Fove VR, did anyone get in on the kickstarter?


Nov 11, 2008
I just found out about this headset. Here's the kickstarter and current homepage.

According to the timelines, backers were projected to receive headsets in May 2016. I've been trying to find out some additional details, mostly some feedback on people that have received them. I'm curious how well their eye tracking has been working. The most I've been able to figure out though is that supposedly backers will still be receiving their unit by the end of 2016 and any new pre-orders in 2017.

For those that can't click links. Originally 90Hz was the target refresh rate of the screen but it seems they lowered it to 70 for final release specs.

  • Display: WQHD OLED (2560×1440) (506 PPI)
  • Display Refresh Rate: 70Hz
  • Field of View: 90 ~ 100 degrees
  • Tracking:
    • Head Tracking
      • Rotational
      • Positional
    • Eye Tracking
      • 120FPS infrared x2 (accuracy <1 degree)
  • Weight: 520g
  • Audio: 3.5mm audio jack
  • Connections: HDMI 1.4, USB 3.0, USB 2.0
  • Accessories: Positional tracking camera, face cushion

The PPI is a bit low for what I want yet. I'm waiting for an ~800 PPI device with 90hz and eye tracking/foveated rendering.

With the lower refresh rate I'm guessing most of [H] aren't interested in this for gaming, but those that have been satisfied with Samsung GearVR might be taking the plunge I'd think. If anything to just test out the eye tracking capabilities.

If anyone did join in on the kickstarter, I would love to here your input when the devices ship. Any thoughts/experiences with the company on communication with the delays on getting backers their headset.

EDIT: Darn it, I accidentally posted in the Vid card section instead of VR. Could a mod move it for me please!
Need higher Hz not lower! I'd definitely get sick at 70Hz. And higher PPI, wireless, hand tracking. :)

I may not be the target market.