Foxconn NF4K8MC-EKRS New?


Limp Gawd
Jul 29, 2005
Hey, I was just browsing newegg and I noticed this newer version of the Foxconn board. Basically, I think all it adds is gigabit ethernet, but I'm not too sure. It'd be interesting if this actually had some overclocking options. I'm e-mailing them right now about it. Anyone know anything about this board?
it looks that lock down for the PCI Express card and only 2 memory slots (as if you need more). still working on the basic NF4
Foxconn motherboards generally do not overclock very well. If you want to overclock with this motherboard then download clockgen.
Ah I e-mailed them, seems like gigabit is the only difference =/
It's out of stock currently... :( but it should be a nice motherboard for a small & quiet PC. :)
i'd really like to get this board.

I still have my MSI board right next to me being unused,

Time to unload the MSI board somehow and pick this board up, gigabit is a great touch, its all I want to be added to this,

anybody want my MSI board?