FPS needs to die

The FPS hasn't really killed any genre, in fact most people are playing MOBA's, MMORPG's and whatever minecraft, terraria and starbound gets classified under. I agree on the sentiment that the quality of FPS has gone down though.

Here is steam's top by player count

There's only two FPS from that list and notice how Dota 2 has atleast 4 times as much players than the leading FPS, TF2. I would argue games like WoW and it's success actually had influence on developers to implement the COD gun grind unlock system in their FPS.
They need to make a good scary ass game. That one where you carry the lantern and have to hide in the dark on PC was sweet, I wish they would do something like that on consoles
They need to make a good scary ass game. That one where you carry the lantern and have to hide in the dark on PC was sweet, I wish they would do something like that on consoles

I assume you mean Amnesia: The Dark Descent? Their next game, SOMA, will be on the PS4 as well PC.
Military FPS needs to die.

Fixed that for you. ;)

Listen to this man! :)

What we need is MORE FPS games. And I mean hardcore sci-fi shooters, not Far Cry or similar interactive movies. CoD/BF I got covered in another thread. Suffice to say, they're meant for "mature" players with no skills whatsoever.

Historically, there have always been way more RPGs than shooters, and yet noobs only complain about FPS being done to death, etc.
I'm playing more non-FPS/RPG games on my PC now than I have in ages.

Between Steam sales and Humble Bundles, I've got quite a lot of games that fall outside those categories and a handful within those categories.

That said, I love both FPS and RPGs but am enjoying other games as well these days.
I want some good old adventure games. It doesn't matter if it uses an FPS engine since those are the most advanced, but these games have never been about the best graphics, the mood should be set by the story. Something like TLOU without the survival/horror aspects, just a place to truly explore the story.
Be cool if there was an open world FPS survival game. Think Tom Hanks from Cast Away and you had to build a shelter, hunt and then eventually get back to civilization. Each new game could be a randomly generated island in different parts of a world and different seasons, weather patterns etc.
Military no, modern yes. Bring back a good WW2 FPS, the modern warfare crap is getting old.

God no. I hated the WWII themed FPS's that flooded the market several years back. I think we need more science fiction FPS's and even a good old fashioned arena shooter.
God no. I hated the WWII themed FPS's that flooded the market several years back. I think we need more science fiction FPS's and even a good old fashioned arena shooter.

I loved them..until they flooded the market. :( Wolfenstein FTW! :)
God no. I hated the WWII themed FPS's that flooded the market several years back. I think we need more science fiction FPS's and even a good old fashioned arena shooter.

Second! I'd like to see a new Mechwarrior game as well. Not something that is on-line only like Hawken, but actually has a decent story too.
I think part of the problem is the companies just copy each other. First DOD spawned the WW2 crazy, remember back then it was like every popular game was WW2 themed other than CS. Red Orchestra, BF1942, COD, DOD. Then the 2 main winners decide at close to the same time they are both going to just dump WW2 completely and move to modern, lol? Now it seems they are both, and others trying to move to near future combat soon. Seems to me we would be better off if one of the big games just stuck with WW2, another stayed modern and a third one took on the future instead of all of them trying to copy each other. It's like the corner with 4 gas stations, just annoying. You have to wonder if the CEOs get together at vacation and all agree to go the same way to lock people in and mitigate their own risks.
I think part of the problem is the companies just copy each other. First DOD spawned the WW2 crazy, remember back then it was like every popular game was WW2 themed other than CS. Red Orchestra, BF1942, COD, DOD. Then the 2 main winners decide at close to the same time they are both going to just dump WW2 completely and move to modern, lol? Now it seems they are both, and others trying to move to near future combat soon. Seems to me we would be better off if one of the big games just stuck with WW2, another stayed modern and a third one took on the future instead of all of them trying to copy each other. It's like the corner with 4 gas stations, just annoying. You have to wonder if the CEOs get together at vacation and all agree to go the same way to lock people in and mitigate their own risks.

Well, BF2 was modern and that was 2005. Random note about Red Orchestra, originally it was supposed to be about the Red Orchestra (hence the name), which was a Soviet spy ring. It was to be an SP only mod. Obviously that changed somewhere along the line. :p Also interesting to see many of the mainstream shooters from the big devs finally implement many of the features that RO CA did in 2003-4.
I'd like to see more games like the S.T.A.L.K..E.R series. Not short,halfhearted attempts like FarCry 3,but long,story driven games in an large open world. Fallout 3/New Vegas were decent,especially with the enormous mod support,though the concessions made for the consoles weakened them.
Sick of today's FPS, most of them are just too linear, repetitive and has generic gameplay, especially military ones which is pretty much the same shit. I wish there were more games like Quake or Half Life, too bad ID, Valve or whoever isn't in a rush to make any new sequels.
I think outside of COD the FPS genre as we know it is dying if not near death. MOAB's are the hot new genre and MMO's are still going strong. I think people in general are sick of FPS games except when it comes to the major franchises (COD , BF and Halo types).

What I can't wait for is a resurgence in the future when someone takes the FPS genre and turns it on its head.
I think outside of COD the FPS genre as we know it is dying if not near death. MOAB's are the hot new genre and MMO's are still going strong. I think people in general are sick of FPS games except when it comes to the major franchises (COD , BF and Halo types).

What I can't wait for is a resurgence in the future when someone takes the FPS genre and turns it on its head.

So first person Tekken?
All games don't need to be 3D to be good. Thus you don't have to decide between 1st vs 3rd person. Plenty of genres like platformers/adventure/puzzle games can work without that.

Where is my Descent/Indepence War sequel? The flight sim/space sim has died completely. You'd think with Occulus Rift, advanced graphics and motion controls etc, flight sims would be the perfect use.

But all tech is used to build FPS engines only, because they are the only guaranteed big seller.

The exact problem I'm talking about. PC gaming used to be full of exciting games in ALL genres. Nowdays its all about shooters.

Does anyone think we'll ever have a classic like Tetris/Pacman/Mario/Civilization in this day and age? NO. The best sellers these days, BF4/CoD/AC will soon be forgotten, no one is ever going to call them a classic even 5 years from now.

These games are all about instant gratification with no content or lasting value. Nothing has changed in gameplay or design except a few more levels, weapons tweaks, some RPG elements, and new MP modes. Popularity is based on which game as the most servers and players.

what would u call minecraft? its in a way what tetris was then..

I view this as the same as the music industry. I like my hard rock with punk and metal influences. Which in mainstream media rock is dead. When you start looking past the major advertisements, whats played on radio, on tv, you'll find a whole hidden treasure trove of bands/groups. In fact i would say its even easier to get your music/indie games out in public then it was 10 years ago.. The big issue i see is too much at once so alot of stuff falls through the cracks.

Also the video game industry is getting older so chances for original gameplay ideas are harder to do because somebody probably has done it already. Same in rock music. We will almost certainly never have another Led zeppelin, Black sabbath, pink floyd, iron maiden, Ramones, The Runaways, and many other bands, because they were the trail blazers that carved the path for future bands.

What the video game industry needs to resparkle that crazy innovative 90s years, is new technology that allows new gameplay. Occulus Rift type stuff seems to be the closest thing we have to a game changer for now.
Occulus Rift type stuff seems to be the closest thing we have to a game changer for now.

I really don't see that as a game changer. I doubt it's going to be more than a niche product with not a lot of mainstream support. Add to that the fact that game devs don't even understand optics when it comes to flat panels, I predict a lot of games that are "supported" but are actually pretty shit with dealing with the OR.
Occulus rift will never be a game changer. VR has been done before and it never took off, ask yourself why? same reason 3D never sticks because it requires you to lock the experience in to 1 person and it is inconvenient. People don't want to wear a headset all the time. Might VR be cool, sure. Will they sell plenty, also likely. But when we look back it will seem like it was a fad because it will not stick.
FPS with a compelling story.
Remember Half-Life 2?
Yea, it sucked balls...

Yes, it is a terrible game, especially Episode 2. That's what story does to FPS.

But thanks to Viktor Antonov, HL2 looked pretty damn good and appealed to noobs. The guy is brilliant and now that he's in charge of all creative work at Zenimax, I have some hopes for Doom 4 and future titles.
Yes, it is a terrible game, especially Episode 2. That's what story does to FPS.
Nothing wrong with a good story,just don't end it with a cliffhanger and then make gamers wait an eternity for the conclusion!
I really don't see that as a game changer. I doubt it's going to be more than a niche product with not a lot of mainstream support. Add to that the fact that game devs don't even understand optics when it comes to flat panels, I predict a lot of games that are "supported" but are actually pretty shit with dealing with the OR.

i didnt say it was directly, i said closest thing to one.. Remember how much trouble developers had with camera angles and how to make gameplay work with a full 3d world?
Sure there is some technology out there that is way bigger/better game changers, but is it affordable and has decent developer support?
I have NEVER played an MMO that has been enjoyable. Most FPS games may be mindless but at least the gameplay and combat are always fun in multiplayer. Counter-Strike Global Offensive is the best online FPS game out now.
I enjoy open-world FPS (i.e. Far Cry) more so than closed-world FPS games (i.e. Call of Duty or Battlefield).

There's only one or two narrow paths to take in today's closed-world FPS games. Replayability is very low on those games, and no amount of mods is going to save it. It's something I'd play once and toss it in the dust bin.

What I'd like to see is a FPS/RTS hybrid! Yeah they exist, but their execution is generally poor. Natural Selection 2 has some of it right, but it still has ways to go.

I'd like to play co-op; me as FPS, and my buddy as RTS in a coop style campaign. I can see myself fighting alongside my buddy's army as a hero unit. None of this scripted nonsense since my allies are actually controlled by a human. NS2 lacked AI so the commander was at the whim of players. Plus I hate indoor RTS.
I don't think FPS needs to die. Rather, I sort of appreciate how it keeps the genres i like unpopular.

Man, i'm so hipster :cool:
Not going to happen. If that's what's being made it's because that's what people are buying