FPS Trivia - First FPS with a Sniper weapon?


Limp Gawd
Jun 30, 2003
Ok, I am pretty sure I know the answer to this but am curious as to what you [H] folks think. If you list a game then also list the publication year, we may have to go to month if it gets down and dirty!!

My Answer: Outlaws by LucasArts, Released: March, 1997

Note: click and drag to right of "My Answer:" to reveal.
MDK, I believe it was released in January of '97.

But if it counts, QWCTF had a sniper and Quake 1 was released back in June of '96 :)
Im not sure which was the first.
I do know Outlaws wasnt really a first person shooter. It was an adventure game.
I thought it was MDK too (Awesome game, couldn't believe it was actually running in software), it's also one of the first to take advantage of MMX. But all the sites i checked had the date pinned on April '97. One month after outlaws :confused: