Freaky Flashed Face Distortion Effect

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I know it is still early but this has to be the freaky-ass video of the day. Stare at the "+" in the middle of the video and see what happens to the faces. For added visual impact, watch it full screen in high definition. :eek:
Ok, I'm staring at the + sign and didn't really see it do anything. What am I missing?
I had to go full screen 720p to see it. I basically looks like a bunch of misshapen ogre heads with weird cat/demon eyes. I guess it is relying on your peripheral vision so you would have to be full screen on a decent size monitor to get the effect.
If you look at the faces themselves they look like normal people.

If you stare at the +, the faces will deform severely. I am guessing this happens because the eyes merge the 2 faces together when you look at the center.
It just looks like a bunch of random faces switching to me, and I have great vision.

That's all it is. But you are supposed to catch the differences in each of the faces peripherally. They look like they are distorting. You guys who can't look at the plus sign the whole time have ADD or something.
Do as Steve suggested and watch the video in full screen. Avoid the temptation to look at the faces and concentrate on the "+" in the middle. If your screen is small move your face closer. Something weird starts to happen to the faces with your peripheral vision.
You're really looking at their inner selves when you look at them peripherally. They're demons, the lot of them!
I don't need to stare at a plus to see the ogre in this 'Hun':

lol watching it in 720p is definitely the way to go. Pretty wicked effect when you do it right!
Knowing what I'm suppose to be looking to be looking for let me catch glimpses here and there of what you guys are talking about. For the most part though if I'm staring intently at the + my brain isn't paying any attention to things happening around it (and I'm doing this full screen on a monitor over twenty inches). If I can't force myself to stare at the + I see the weird things on the side you guys see, but only for a fraction of a second before my gaze always moves over to one of the faces instead.

I guess optical/brain illusions don't work on everybody equally.
You have to just "notice" them in the corner of the eye, finding the right distance seems to be key.
I had to watch that again, I thought they were indeed flashing images of horribly deformed and disfigured faces.

I wonter if the this falls in the sam epercentage of people that cannot see the dod illusions or 3D effects... I used to work with an optical rangefinder that required 'relaxed focus' to operate and it was hard for me, easy for one co-worker, and impossible for a third. They used to say about 5 to 8 percent of the population could not do it.
About the same thing when you take a fullfront portrait and cut it in half, then flip/mirror each half and put them back together, so two right sides makes one face and vice versa with the left, then you have two pics of yourself that looks a little freakish.

The chick from above...

Two Left Sides | Normal | Two Right Sides

Try with your own pic :D
this effect works because they are all pretty ugly to begin with.

if you cover one side of the picture, and stare at the +, they still look ugly, with big eyes and shit.
this effect works because they are all pretty ugly to begin with.

if you cover one side of the picture, and stare at the +, they still look ugly, with big eyes and shit.

Hey yeah, thats true. If it's not the brain mixing the two images. My guess is it must be something to do with persistence of vision and how it relates to peripheral vision.

My guess. We're preprogrammed to 'spot' certain things more than others, so the brain must pick up on what looks like, say, an eye and holds onto it in case it's important, but the rest of the image is just noise and is updated as the image changes, giving a distorted image that prompts another part of the brain to say "Hey! That looks strange! Deal with it in case it's dangerous!"

The fact I can easily ignore that voice and continue to stare at the +... well I don't know if thats good or bad lol.
I think it's like "3D", some people are better at seeing it than others. I didn't really see anything in the video, just a bunch of faces flashing by. But then I've never been able to watch 3D movies properly either. Think it's because I have poorer eyesight in my right eye than the left.
I think I just wasted 54 seconds, and then 4 minutes reading about why I wasted 54 seconds. And then 30 seconds writing about how I wasted all that time...
I think I just wasted 54 seconds, and then 4 minutes reading about why I wasted 54 seconds. And then 30 seconds writing about how I wasted all that time...

Don't forget the few seconds it took you to read this reply.
If you cross your eyes and overlay each face on top of each other you will see good looking faces.
Thats what I saw, you may see ugly ones could be related to dominent eye stuff
I think you're too old cause I have no idea what the reference is for and I'm 47 yrs old.
If you cross your eyes and overlay each face on top of each other you will see good looking faces.
Thats what I saw, you may see ugly ones could be related to dominent eye stuff

I tried that and the jury is still out on it. They weren't as ugly as staring at the + sign but not really good looking.