Free AV


Limp Gawd
Feb 19, 2002
I've been using Avira AntiVir for quite some time now. It's a free program, but recently they started doing this demo license thing and I have to go redownload the program every now and then to keep my free license or whatever. I'm tired of doing this.

So now i'm looking for a good, free, and small footpring AV program. Any suggestions?

I've heard good about the Panda Antivirus program but how big of a footprint does it leave?
Panda is quite heavy, and not that strong in detection..
Avast is good at detection, a bit heavy.....
AVG is medium in weight...but not that great in detection....
CA's eTrust from Microsoft is quite lightweight, and average in detection.
I've been using anti-vir for 2 years without having to redownload it or anything. It updates once a day and minds its own buisness.
Vote for AVG, using it exclusively for a couple years now. Though, I browse smart, so it might not be that good.... I don't open questionable shit...
AOL's active virus shield is a free version of kaspersky 6.0 with a few features cut out. It is by far the best virus scanning engine available. No spyware included, but the included toolbar is adware so just don't install it.
I used to use AVG, now I use Avast.

There are plenty of decent free ones out there.