Free CAD software find


Nov 23, 2004
Herbicide said: want 100,000 registrations before August 1st for them to release their software.

Originally Posted by X-CAD
Everyone who registers will get the X-CAD product for FREE — but only if 100,000 people participate.

So, if you want free software, sign up now.

- H.

PS: If this is in the wrong place, feel free to move it, but I thought it would get more exposure here.

I know yall are probably thinking, "Bleh, its a scam." But I think it looks pretty legit, and so do most of the people on bit-tech.... go ahead and sign up.......... make sure to verify the email though, I forgot to do that at first. :) (btw, Im person 76138)
Who? X-CAD Mystifies

The new X-CAD Web site mysteriously keeps its owners' identity hidden.

The owners want you and 99,999 other CAD users to register. Once the number is reached, every one receives a free copy of the 3D CAD software. The catches are that (1) 100,000 must register and (2) all must register before August 1 -- for the give-away to take effect. A counter on the site reports the number of registrants, 4998 at time of writing this.

I predict the software will be given away 1 Aug even if the 100,000 goal is not reached. Perhaps the odometer will need adjusting. (A check of the HTML source shows the number is hard-coded.)

Who is X?

There are some clues:

- the software is a 3D parametric solid modeler.
- there is an hint of low-cost, noting that competitors "range from $5K - $30K on the market today."
- the site is registered to xcad_webmaster in Austin TX.
- one of the Web page's meta keywords is "autoCAD alternative".
- and, the owners have a sense of humour, as illustrated by this Q&A item:

Q: How is X-CAD able to be given away free?
A: Yes, we are spending indordinate amounts of money, but we think it is worth it.

Ha, ha. It costs almost nothing to give away software. The real $$$ benefits come later, with (1) hoped-for upgrades and (2) hoped-for word-of-mouth recommendations. Guesses?

There is some parallel with Bentley Systems' Web site that claimed to be updated by a rogue employee, but was an attempt by Bentley to whip-up pre-rrelease hysteria in anticipation of MicroStation V8. The difference here is that you get software free, whatever it is.

Who Was X?

This is not the first X-CAD on the market. XCAD is the name of another 3D mcad pkg that came from Xitron Software in southeast Asia, but died about a decade ago. Their aim was to have one million customers by selling it for US$495. The dream did not materialize.

XCAD-01 is a 3D CAD/ CAM program from Excalibur Design.

And then there is XCAD Corp, which develops software for modeling signal processing systems.


I've had my suspicions confirmed, but have decided to not spill the beans, proverbial and otherwise. Responds the CEO of X-CAD: "I suppose we expected to be outed -- although not quite this soon."

In the meantime, I signed up -- for research purposes -- and am #5000. A confirmation email requires a confirmation link to be clicked, claiming that "Unverified registrations will not count towards the 100,000 needed to release the free X-CAD software" -- even though the counter updated after I registered, but not after I confirmed.

Oooo a mystery with clues

well IntelliCAD is the "AutoCAD alternative"
Im reasearching the other clues

seems legit
Im #76177

now we have a another quandry
in the one hand this is software that is free, hense freeware which we do alot of here
in the other its "free stuff"
hmmm...This is the first time Ive actually copied a thread :p
and the rest of the story....

CC of my email
so its adware that is going to punch a hole in my security and install a server client


I'll just pass, and further your simply out of luck for ever being considered as a solution provider
a marketing ploy gone horribly wrong, and no assurances that your code is even secure
I bet someone is going to get pissed enough to try to target it for exploitation, better get cracking on that code.
Remove me from any mail lists Ive been signed up for. I will consider them unsolicited spam and report them.

logon: Ice_Czar
I downloaded it and the software seems pretty good, I still prefer maya though.