Free/Cheap network backup solution


Feb 18, 2004
Ok, so now that I have both my main PC and file server working how I want, I would like to start backing up important info to the file server.
Here is what I am looking for:
-Automated/scheduled: so I can have it back up at like 3 am on every tuesday or something
-Target certain folders: I only want to back up some folders, most of the rest aren't important data
-Specify backup location: So i can have it transfer over to the file server of course
-Freeware/cheap shareware: Would like to pay like 20-30 max, free is best, as this isn't exactly rocket launch mission critical data, but I would like to secure it better.

So, in a nutshell, I want a cheap software solution that I can tell: "backup folders x,y, & z to server B (at 192.168.blah.blah) at 3 am on every other tuesday"

Any suggestions?
FolderClone is about 20$ and does just that. It will basically sync your data to a folder on your file server.
you could schedule an XCopy if the files aren't open at that time.