FREE Cheese (AR)

Gonna give it a shot, those sound like they'd make some tasty sandwiches.
Nuc_E said:
Gonna give it a shot, those sound like they'd make some tasty sandwiches.
Only if they're hot sandwiches! This cheese is shredded! :D
karrock said:
Only if they're hot sandwiches! This cheese is shredded! :D

Once you buy a toaster oven, is there really any other way of making a sammich ;). Mmmm. I can taste it right now, grilled chicken, grilled peppers and onions and the cheddar salsa cheese. Only 3 more hours until dinner :(. Tummy is rumbling.
TehQuick said:
Nice find... but it should go to freebies section ;) :D

I was under the impression that the only things allowed on the free stuff forum were thing in which no money had to paid out for before, during, or after recieving the product or service.
This Bistro Blends is pretty good stuff. I got some with sun dried tomatoes (or maybe it was the chedder salsa) and used it to make my signature quesadillas. They turned out pretty good and tastey. :D
Oh, and I live in Sargento's hometown of Plymouth WI. :cool:

ps thanks for the coupon