Free COD MW3 Weekend on Steam


Jan 25, 2005
Not trying to start a war here or anything, I'm just telling anyone that is interested...
i've been trying to get into it the last few nights, well the multiplayer at least. a lot of assets were carried over from MW2 (weapon sounds, emblem graphics, etc. etc.) ...and of course the usual engine and modeling assets were carried over. if anyone is on the fence whether or not it's worth trying out over the free weekend: if you hated MW2 you'll hate MW3. a pretty obvious statement but figured i'd make it anyway. i personally had fun with MW2 but i'm finding MW3 mediocre. probably due in part to me running around like a retarded monkey getting killed a ton. also BF3 has raised the bar.

a word of warning: the amount of hacks increases exponentially over free weekends. people think it's a great opportunity to create an expendable steam account to try out a hack they've been intrigued by.
Can you get steam achievements from Free Weekends?

-Looks like they're all singleplayer or spec ops-
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Why do they keep giving free weekends for CoD?

They're acting like PC gamers haven't played CoD before. Are they wondering why they're piss poor console port isn't selling well PC or something?

It's pretty damn obvious.
Why do they keep giving free weekends for CoD?

They're acting like PC gamers haven't played CoD before. Are they wondering why they're piss poor console port isn't selling well PC or something?

It's pretty damn obvious.

clearly to gain more sales. i'm sure it works too. i imagine they see a small surge in sales following free weekends. ever shop for a new car? wonder why the salesman is so eager to let you take it home for the night/weekend? it works. :D
clearly to gain more sales. i'm sure it works too. i imagine they see a small surge in sales following free weekends. ever shop for a new car? wonder why the salesman is so eager to let you take it home for the night/weekend? it works. :D

At least they have LAN support like all multiplayer PC games should and a in game browser <cough> Dice are you listening? </cough>
Troll post

I hope you're joking. We are trying to move forward here not backwards. Last pc game I played (other then BF3) that utilized an Internet browser to join games was Quake 1. Console versions of BF3 had global VOIP and an in game browser since day 1. Enough of the rant not really defending MW3, but BF3 is a step backwards in regards to game mechanics. I'm surprised Dice let engies repair heli's in mid air again.
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So how will it work? It'll just pop up in Steam on Friday? Cause I don't see it mentioned anywhere yet.
(Yeah, noob gamer
hahaha, no. They couldn't care less about their PC demographic, and I couldn't care less about their 60$ rehash
Alright if you say so, so why are you in this thread again? Gee let me guess I bet you're pretty eager to play MW3, huh
thanks I haven't played this game yet, I mean I have black ops but I'd like to try the new maps out on MW3 since it seems like nothing else has chagned.
I wish I had waited to try it out... I probably wouldn't have dropped the money on it. I am having a good time with the SP though.
Bought this POS a little while back, and yes it sucks, even the single player was abysmal and if you want to rank up your forced to use the POS matchmaking service.
The only good part about the game is Survival Mode, and after wave 10 or so it quickly stops being fun, since every enemy after that takes nearly a full mag to kill and it continues to get worse. Even the Spec Ops missions are nothing special.
Folks - This is a discussion of the upcoming free weekend, not the relative merits or faults of the game itself. Stay on topic and mind the rules. If all you came in here to do is to crap on the game, kindly move along. If you see any further offtopic, troll, or other posts that need attention, use the report button that can be found at the right of each and every post here.

Thank you.

Why do they keep giving free weekends for CoD?
I like the fact they give free weekends. I'd be happier if they just lowered the price, but none the less I've played BLOPS on the free weekend and (if I have time) I'll play MW3 on this free weekend too.

They're acting like PC gamers haven't played CoD before. Are they wondering why they're piss poor console port isn't selling well PC or something?

It's pretty damn obvious.
It actually sold extremely well on PC as it did on every other platform.
I didn't feel like reading the replies so far as most of them seemed like garbage, but how do I take advantage of this "free weekend"? I don't see anywhere how to try it out. Does it work online?

I have BF3 but would also like to check out MW3.
I didn't feel like reading the replies so far as most of them seemed like garbage, but how do I take advantage of this "free weekend"? I don't see anywhere how to try it out. Does it work online?

I have BF3 but would also like to check out MW3.

Trashing everyone's posts before asking for help - nice.

It will show up on the Steam main page on Friday like every other Weekend Deal.
Trashing everyone's posts before asking for help - nice.

It will show up on the Steam main page on Friday like every other Weekend Deal.

Did you read them? Half of them have been deleted, heh. I don't think I was in the wrong by what I said, and I never said they were all garbage, just that the ones I read were, so I didn't feel like continuing to read.

Thanks for the information though.
I'll never buy MW3, but I don't mind trying it out. Since yes; I have not actually played any MW games, only the old WW2 CoD. If you don't like MW just don't play it..

Wait, think I tried a free weekend of MW 1 or 2. I was not hugely impressed. Remeber wondering if it's always insta-spawn? Being an old man my main shoot experience is CS, day of defeat and BF 42 and I haven't really kept up.
Did you read them? Half of them have been deleted, heh. I don't think I was in the wrong by what I said, and I never said they were all garbage, just that the ones I read were, so I didn't feel like continuing to read.

Thanks for the information though.

Half were deleted for outright bullshit reasons too.

You can preload now (check the news page in steam) if you want to take advantage of the free weekend and if you don't want to wait until Friday when the servers will more than likely get raped.
I'll be playing. CODBLOPS free weekend was a fucking massacre. The people who play these games are really really bad. All you have to do is engage them from outside melee range and they can't hit you because they can't aim.
Whatever , its a free weekend to try out a game. If you don't like the game then don't play it and go back to whatever else you were doing.

I don't get the need for people to come into threads like this to state they hate the game for "X" reason and then proceed to explain why we should all hate it too.
I imagine the MP is the only thing that's free?

Otherwise it'd be a great chance to just blow through the SP...

EDIT: Just read the link. MP only. Darn.
Glad I saw this. Every time Steam has a free weekend of something I don't find out until mid say Saturday and then I have to download so most of the time I don' even mother at that point.
MMMM mMMMmmMm......censored.....muffled curses.....

Ok so I will dl this and play it just to get a feel for the greatest fps of all time!!!

fslk fklsmdfa ;al,dl;; ';l,d' ;)