Free copy of "Dark Messiah of Might and Magic" on Steam

Aug 30, 2006

click the regista-te
fill out the register stuff (dont need a valid email)
click the green continuar sem preencher button
click the clica aqui
click that button that has CD-Key on it
copy that CD key
go to steam games list and click activate a product on steam
and then paste it in

Some portuguese magazine giving away Dark Messiah on Steam.

Credits to Jawsome for discovering this.
Just in case not everyone checks Free Stuff.

click the regista-te
fill out the register stuff (dont need a valid email)
click the green continuar sem preencher button
click the clica aqui
click that button that has CD-Key on it
copy that CD key
go to steam games list and click activate a product on steam
and then paste it in

Some portuguese magazine giving away Dark Messiah on Steam.

Credits to Jawsome for discovering this.
Thanks! I played the demo awhile back, never got around to getting the full game, now I can :) .
works for me, thanks a bunch!

I loved the demos but just never got around to buying this, glad I waited!
I think it's getting slammed is it just loading for anyone else?
i already own this game and i want a free copy, thats how good a deal this is.

beautiful + very fun game, well worth paying.. nothing for. lawls
Looks like they got slammed. I did send this to everyone on my steam friends list lol
If anyone got the key, didn't activate it, and has no steam account, PLEASE PM ME!!
Come back link! Come back dammit!


EDIT: It came back! Score! I enjoyed the demo of this back when it came out so I'm pretty pumped for this. Thanks OP.
I had a blast with this game last year. Played through it at least 3 times - well worth the download.
like others have said, if anyone got an extra key, i woudln't mind one ;p link only says "Manutencao" which I have no clue what means, haha
like others have said, if anyone got an extra key, i woudln't mind one ;p link only says "Manutencao" which I have no clue what means, haha

My first guess was "maintenance," which is correct (Portuguese).