Free farm....


[H]ard|DCer of the Year - 2006
Nov 27, 2004
Free to a good Home: FOUND A HOME!!! These are gone.
Caseless garden... all but the motherboards and Power supplies....

2x 450 PIII
2x 500 PIII
1x 600 PIII

5x NIC cards
5x VID cards
5X 128MB PC100 chips

All that would be needed for a caseless garden would be Motherboards, Power Supplies and a boot device (if you aren't going to netboot)


You pay shipping ($5)
I would prefer this go to a relatively new folder who will take the time to get these up and running.... But I want a teammate who is in this for the long haul to pick this up.
MUST fold for team 33


I want pics of your farm when completed. :)

I may even be able to help with power supplies in a few weeks..... as of now I have none though.

[email protected]
or PM me if interested.
:insert drooling smiley here:

I wish I had the room....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Team 33 you say? Bummer...

And here I'm in MI too...

If no one else takes them, they'd make a great addition to team 2630... ;) My farm in the basement has plenty of room...
Good luck dumping the crappers. Since I pay for my power(and TX power is high,) I wouldn't want them. :p
Scorpionjwp said:
Replied.... looking for a matched pair of processors which this ain't... but I will look through more at home tonight!

Anyone else?
sandmanx said:
Good luck dumping the crappers. Since I pay for my power(and TX power is high,) I wouldn't want them. :p
If I had room I'd run them myself!
I have 41 borgs right now and power at home is limited... as is space.
I just thought it'd help out a new folder with a few extra points/WU here and there!
drfish said:
Team 33 you say? Bummer...

And here I'm in MI too...

If no one else takes them, they'd make a great addition to team 2630... ;) My farm in the basement has plenty of room...

that would be so sweet but considering im adding 4 more machines this week and i have no where to lay my head anymore, i cant do it.
BakedON said:
If I had room I'd run them myself!
I have 41 borgs right now and power at home is limited... as is space.
I just thought it'd help out a new folder with a few extra points/WU here and there!

I know why you're catching up to me fast then. I've got 23 processors right now, but 4(threads) of them are going down this week. The Dual Xeon 3.0 gets it server duties started later this week. I also lost a pair of crappers at work, p3-450s, that won't turn on, and I don't have time to jack with it now to try and get it working.
sandmanx said:
I know why you're catching up to me fast then. I've got 23 processors right now, but 4(threads) of them are going down this week. The Dual Xeon 3.0 gets it server duties started later this week. I also lost a pair of crappers at work, p3-450s, that won't turn on, and I don't have time to jack with it now to try and get it working.
I have 4 new P4's here at the office that came in on friday to get borged too.... I am coming for jOO!!!!!
[/threadjack of my own thread]
BakedON said:
I have 4 new P4's here at the office that came in on friday to get borged too.... I am coming for jOO!!!!!
[/threadjack of my own thread]

I'll watch you rocket past me around 450K then I guess. I might be able to get 1 more borg in the next couple of weeks, but no real powerful boxen.

On a side note, my crapper dual p3-450 box is back up and folding at ~45PPD. Phear my firepower!

Aratech said:
Any slots 1's greater than 450mhz??

Everything I listed is slot 1
I have a 550 or 600 at home if you want it.... still want to see this go as a bundle for a newer folder.
To date I haven't received any PM's or emails from anyone but scorpion.....
No matched CPUs at home. Sorry.....
seapirate said:
Lots of space here.
Yours if you want it.
EDIT:/ these are gone.... thanks for the bumps and well wishes.
I still have other crapper parts here and there if anyone has any relatively specific requests *IE "Do you have a 600 S370 P3?"
let me know.