Free FPS and RPG?


Dec 4, 2005
What are some of the best free FPS and RPG available for download. I just got a new system and want to see what I can play.
try Truecombat: Elite. you gotta download Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory, the 2.60 patch, and then TC:E 0.49.

Totally worth it. HDR lighting, great gameplay.
Good To hear that there is a good amount of freebies out there. I am going to check them out.
i could name a bunch of freebie games, Americas Army 1.7 is pretty good, Kuma War is OK..there are plenty out there.
ServerKing said:
history ch fps


That's a cool find there, from history channel no less one of the 3 channels on tv I allow myself to watch. damn, wish I hadn't stumbled onto that world at war collector's edition 11 dvd set over on the site lol. would make a nice early christmas present for myself. :)