FREE NA Shipping on Ratpadz Extended!


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
FREE NA Shipping for all Ratpadz!

Sales have gone so well with the free NA shipping promotion that Ratpadz has decided to extend the offer.

And as always, if you are not happy with your purchase, we will buy it back from you and pay shipping...again.

Nice deal Kyle!

I got the XT model myself under this free shipping deal about a week ago. Great service. Fast shipment. The pad is thick and does have some height to it. I recommend a gel wrist pad however everyone is different. Overall very nice product.

I bought a GS and it is the best 10$ I have ever spent but I do regret not buying an XT because if the GS feels this good , imagine what the XT feels like .
Still a great deal for anyone who doesn't own one of these yet. I've had my XT for the past few weeks and I must say, I love the thing. Well worth the money...I can't see myself going back to any other mousepad for a long time.
i still have my ratpad from when it first came out...same thign with my hardocp doesnt fit very well anymore, and its not really black...more of a dark gray...hahah

forever [H]
$25 for a mouse pad it really that good?
Whats these made out of? I do like the soft warmness of cloth mouse pads...
I have one en route as I type this. It'll be my second one, as my daughter 'borrowed' my first one... :D These are definitely kick-ass pads!
$25 for a mouse pad it really that good?
Whats these made out of? I do like the soft warmness of cloth mouse pads...

Ratpadz are [H]ard padz....if you want a softie you had best look elsewhere. ;) But if you buy one and don't like it, we will buy it back from you and pay shipping. So there is $0 risk in purchasing one.
These are one of the best things I ever "borrowed" from my brother. One heck of a deal, even without the guarantee!
I was wondering. I ordered last week and they didn't charge me for shipping. Do they usually send out tracking numbers? I haven't heard anything since the order confirmation email 4 days ago.
$25 for a mouse pad it really that good?
I have had my XT for over a year. They will have to pry it out of my cold, dead hands. I tend to wear out other mousepads within a year due to gaming. The Ratpadz is of such durability that I think I could probably wash it in the dishwasher!

Whats these made out of? I do like the soft warmness of cloth mouse pads...
Hard plastic, with a rough tecture. It's both slick and provides resistence. When I set it up, I thought I might not like it, but with my G15 gaming mouse, I thought I was using greased lightning.

The surface is larger than the usual mousepad. I agree that a gel pad for the wrist might be a good idea. My desk is an ancient desk with a typewriter well and a pull-out surface for an extra notepad. I pull that out, put a couple of notebooks on it, and the result is that my forearm can rest completely flat, with the hand positioned slightly over the surface. I've yet to develop mousing injuries. I like the larger size.

I'm seriously considering getting one of these for my sister.
whats the difference between the GS and the XT?

GT is made from a much less expensive ABS plastic. It is a lot lighter, injection molded, and abrades easier.

The XT is made for a HDPE that we have formulated especially for Ratpadz. It is heavier, CNC router cut from sheet, and extremely abrasion resistant.

I carry a GT with my laptop, XT is too heavy....GT wears out faster if you do a lot of heavy gaming, the XT does not. Many people have the original "XT" we sold up to and over 7 years ago.
I was wondering. I ordered last week and they didn't charge me for shipping. Do they usually send out tracking numbers? I haven't heard anything since the order confirmation email 4 days ago.

They usually ship within 24 hours. We ship from Texas via USPS Priority Shipping, so up to 5 days depending how far you are. We do NOT send a tracking number, as they are worthless with USPS anyway. That said, the USPS does a great job shipping for us. If you feel it has not shown up in the proper amount of time, use the contact form on the Ratpadz page and ask is it shipped and for confirmation.

And if there is an issue, we will make it right and not wait for USPS to figure it out.
anyone know how good are these compared to the razer exactmat and mantis? because the gs is realy agood deal
They are good but if you are a hard core fps gamer you will wear it out fast, I prefer cloth like the fat pad.
Wow, my XT showed up in the mail today. Normally takes at least a week for anything I order to reach me. I'm impressed. Now, I'll have to break this thing in this weekend. :)
I dont really use a mouse pad for gaming or anything(desk seems fine). Is it that noticeable, or is it more of a comfort thing?
Do you ship to Canada?

Last time I thought you guys were doing so. But it doesn't let me select any other country than the states.
I finally purchased a Ratpadz XT on Thursday after realizing what a PIA it was to use a magazine as a mousepad. I completely expected it to arrive by Wednesday of next week, given that I am in the Philly, PA area. Lo and Behold the mailman arrived this morning with my Ratpadz.

That is fantastic turn around time for anything ordered on the net. I have only been using the Ratpadz for a few minutes but I am pissed I didn't order this years ago! Now maybe I can reduce my Dequervain's symptoms in my mousing hand.

If you haven't ordered one yet, stopping messign around and BUY IT! NOW!:D
I dont really use a mouse pad for gaming or anything(desk seems fine). Is it that noticeable, or is it more of a comfort thing?

I did the same thing (used the desk by itself), and trust me, the Ratpadz makes all the difference. The lack of resistance on the pad compared do your desk is very noticeable and totally worth the $20 shipped it costs to get one. :)
You guys should make a "Mini"... I've only got 7 inches of width next to my G15...
I did the same thing (used the desk by itself), and trust me, the Ratpadz makes all the difference. The lack of resistance on the pad compared do your desk is very noticeable and totally worth the $20 shipped it costs to get one. :)

You just sold me on it. Ordered one just a sec ago.
I just ordered one as well. I've been putting this off for 5 years or more! I haven't used a mouse pad in years.. just my desk surface.
I've had the XT model for about a year, I think. The thing still looks new. I don't even think it has worn down in the slightest. I use a G5, and I love how super-slick the pad feels. I feel it is worth every penny I spent, and am very glad I did.
I used to hang out at a gaming center all the time which went out of business (probably because they gave 35 free hours for referring a new customer!).

They had Ratpadz, which were absolutely awesome from a slickness standpoint.

Incidentally the gaming center was called "Extreme Technology", which everyone abbreviated "XT". Of course they had the GS model Ratpadz ;).

I just got a GS for my G7. $10 is a small price for an awesome mousepad.
Can someone just really quickly post a picture of either of these mouse pads with a mouse on it? Would help me out a lot. Thanks!
Man I need to hurry up and save up another $20 to get myself a new XT. Mine got stolen a few months back. :(
I got my XT today. This thing is sweet. I can look at my mouse and it starts zipping across the pad! It takes absolutely no effort to move it now. I was kind of worried when I saw the texture on top, but the mouse doesn't even know it's there! Ratpadz XT + MX518 = perfect match.