Free + Ship


[H]F Junkie
May 11, 2005
I have an old system laying around I would like to donate to a good cause. Since Folding seems to be the best place for it to be put to good use Id like to donate it here.

Last time I attempted boot it would POST, but I could not go any farther since it has an AT keyboard plug and I dont have any nor does anyone I know. What I do know is its an old amd system with a small hard drive, maybe 256mb ram at the most.

Im around the portland, or area.

Why don't I fold myself? Well I dont pay for the power bill, no room, and as I said I cant do anything with the system cause of the keyboard.
Or you could look into an AT to PS/2 adaptor plug. Your local computer shop might have one. Or I have one that I don't use that I could ship to you for say $2 plus shipping.
Yeah but thats the thing, I didnt wanna spend money on it since its so old.