Free USB Drive from IBM for businesses

In 4 1. Check other comms box though. We wouldn't any unwanted phone calls. Again another great find TTP. Where do you find this Sh*t? :)
just FYI I believe this only a 512mb drive... at least that's what I saw on another forum about this offer..

but hey, free is still free right?
Yeah...I've never gotten one from any company...but I will keep trying I guess. You never know when they might actually send them.
Signed up anyways
thanks OP!

Thank You!

Thanks for registering to get the Solar USB Key with the eKit.

You should receive your USB Key within the next few weeks.
Technically my dad has his own home repair business, wonder if that counts..

we'll see in a few weeks.
Not even going to bother, Digg is all over this like a bad rash.
I just got an email stating due to overwhelming demand they're not sending me a flash drive!!!!
Dear Gary Donovan,

We appreciate your interest in the Solar USB Key with Energy Efficiency
eKit. Unfortunately, due to an overwhelming customer response and a
limited inventory we are unable to send out additional USB keys.
However, you can find the Energy Efficiency eKit online at the link

Move up to IBM Systems Energy Efficiency eKit.

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Same email here, but on the bright side, this is the first out of maybe 5 different free USB drive offers, that I have actually received ANYTHING from offerer. Im going to cherish this cancellation email.
also received the same let down email, stating they would not send out the USB drive. :(
Our apologies...

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man I wanted a 1gb to fill up with a shipload of viruses to put on friends machines.;)