free vmware on windows to get ssh?


Limp Gawd
Sep 21, 2004
I'm using windows server 2003 std ed, and I'm loving it except that I dont have access to ssh logins from anywhere... would it be wise/can I run vmware server with a linux build and share a drive? I could ssh into that right?

Anyone have any helpful ideas? I really want ssh and I cant figure out how to install it!

Are you talking about SSHing into the 2003 server or SSHing from the 2003 server?
OpenSSH works great on windows servers. We will use it to push out small changes to mass amounts of servers to save us time.
Or use Cygwin. I've implemented openSSH across a metric fsckton or boxes at work. Interesting how we run a GUI server, and administrate it with a *nix emulator.
I will try both of these. Thanks... I dont have all the free time I just did!

Running VMWare would be way too much overhead. I would just use cygwin.