Free Warhammer Online 10-Day Guest Passes


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 9, 2004
Figured I'd start a thread for these since we don't have one and I'm hoping some other subscribers pop in with theirs.

Program Details

* Players may recruit new players or invite back former players that have been gone for more than sixty (60) days.
* New recruits will need to use the link in their invitation email to create their Recruit-A-Friend free ten (10) day trial.
* Game time and in-game item rewards are only awarded after a recruit becomes a paying subscriber to WAR.
* Recruitment invites can be recalled at anytime, and expire after 30 days.
* In-Game rewards will be applied retroactively for all previous recruits.

Information we need from you is a name and email address.

I currently have 2 invites left and I will update this post as they go. :)

EDIT: Hope all those that got invites enjoy the game. IMO its a lot more fun than WoW is. Should be getting new invites every month so I'll post them here when I get more. In the mean time, any other subscribers wanna start givin em out? :)

EDIT2: Also those looking for a deal on the retail version of the game for the upgrade can go to Go Gamer... They have it currently for $27.90, Collectors Edition is $44.90

EDIT3: Also PM these people for possible invites (if I or someone else is out of them): GoldenTiger, Xaeos, crackbone, ivandurago
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I got a few keys to give away, if you've really been dying to play this then PM me with name and email :D

EDIT: since i just upgraded my account from the trial, i dont actually get my trial keys to give away until my paying subscription starts which is another 40 days because of 10 day trial + 30 days free with account. -_- sorry guys.
if anyone has one shoot me a pm, picked up the collectors for like 20 bucks at cc closeout... I figure if i'm going to play anyway i may as well give someone a free month
if anyone has an extra key or two, could you please pm me? looking to play this with my gf. shes been wanting to jump back into wow with me, but i wanted to try something diff. thanks!
I have several remaining, PM with email if interested :). The new 1.2 patch has really polished things up further :D.
The new 1.2 patch has really polished things up further :D.
That is how I have been feeling, I am really suprised by the level of balance this game already has.
Let me know if anyone needs a trial, I have a few left.

As I have said before, if you need any help, ask in this thread/PM me/ talk to me in game - Thzraek - Destruct on Skull Throne.
I have several passes again, send a PM with EMAIL and FIRST NAME to get invite =).