Freezing Problem


Limp Gawd
Aug 15, 2004
Specs: Maxtor 40 gig 7200rpm
-3000+ A64 Venice
-GIGABYTE GA-K8NSC-939 Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce3 250Gb
-Stock heatsink, Arctic Silver 5, idle temp of 30°C in the bios.
-ATI Radeon 9800 pro
-1gig corsair xms
Ok, so heres the problem. I just did a fresh install and the computer works for the most part, and I can still play BF2 for awhile, but once in awhile (quite often actually) it just freezes for no reason at all, as in the mouse cursor freezing and a frozen picture. I havent done a bios update yet. The computer will freeze in the bios as well. Any suggestions?

I had a similiar problem with my Asus A8N SLI premium, no apparent reason I would get lockups and random reboots.
Putting the memory voltage up to 2.7 / 75 solved my issue, hopefully it will solve yours too.
Ive isolated the problem. Whenever I put a cd in the cd drive (plextor or lite-on), and it starts spinning, the computer locks up. Maybe PSU problem?
Sometimes on boot up it freezes also, but it still seems like power instability.
Sounds like it. If you can, get your hands on a test PSU and test it. The PSU may be defective, so when the drive pulls power, not enough juice gets supplied to the CPU/mobo/RAM, causing it to lock up.
Would it make sense if the same psu worked on a 1.6 ghz athlon xp (old old one) with an asus board? The only new things I have are a gigabyte nforce 3 250gb socket 939 /w a 3000+ venice. Would the new set up use more power? I also noticed my old motherboard /w the pre-barton athlon xp doesnt use a 4 prong 12v power connector, and the new one does.
Having same problem, only while running- and nothing inparticular, so I'm lead to assume it's a general power issue. Pisses me off in WoW, Source, hell, even while watching anime and one time with the windows default screensaver.
all nf4 systems are very needy of volts and amps on the 12 v rail .

i like to have a psu (antec) with at least 18a on the 12 v rail--but 20 or more is preferred.

the nf4 is also sensitive to quality-- so try to find a decent psu -- just because you got a 650w psu off ebay for $20 don't mean it is going to work well for any nf4.

a 450 antec or the like in quality should be enough with a little extra safty margin. :eek:
Try 460 Sparkle, same as Fortron. Not using the nvidia audio drivers, and putting in Realtek's instead (it has the ALC850 on it) has reduced the problem, but not eliminated it totally.
It sounds like a power problem and possibly a heat problem. I had a loose NB fan on my ASUS A8N and it caused the same problems.
I love my PC P&C 510!
Yes, but it is obvious by your sig that you do not love silence-

While I think it may be power, I don't think it's so much a problem within the computer than without- this house is older than I am, with all the modern trimmings... no doubt my sparkle is getting some ugly stuff to try and morph into a stable power stream.