Frequent "Display Not responding" =(


Dec 29, 2006
Not sure what the source is.. beginning to suspect my Silver stone 750 isnt enough?

GTX580 just watching freaking Youtubes now.. display will blow up, system doesn't BSOD any more ( yay Win7 ) but.. get the display kernal fail, stopped running, etc...

only time it works without if I do a complete power down, leave it off for 5 mins. Power up.. works great for a day or so..

If I do that, Its fine for a day .. gaming, you tube videos, etc. But If I have the system on over night, come home, watch a video.. its does this. It recovers, but I loose the video...

system is new build, 2600k, 16gb ram, asus max gene 4, m4 c:\, single GTX580 MSI Twin Frozr. small OC to 4.2 was stable for a while, is stable in all other ways..just the video driver stops responding...

750 should be enough...

Although, I do have both pwr inputs on the 580 from the same modular rail.. could that be it?

tried lots of different drivers, no change...
am I right to be thinking Power.. I seem to recall seeing others with this issue... thoughts?
What say you ATI driver apologists? When is AMD going to fix their damn drivers?
May be your PSU isn't enough?

But try this......I'm thinking from memory, so the term may be wrong......

go into nvidia control panel>3D
scroll down to power management and choose performance, rather than default.:D
Have you updated your drivers, or anything on your PC recently?

I generally look at drivers first, then temperature, then power. Do you have hibernation enabled? Are you running an SSD?

I ask about SSD and hibernation because they are becoming far more prevent, and they can still be a pain in the arse if not set up correctly in your BIOS, and in W7. Magoo's got a valid point with regards to your video card. I have mine on performance, and single display, and both are not default on your control panel settings.

Make sure your not overheating, and have good airflow.. The other worry is that you may have a bad card. Hopefully not, cause that sucks but it happens.

Good luck man, let us know!
go into nvidia control panel>3D
scroll down to power management and choose performance, rather than default.:D

I had a similar issue. Do this (above) and make sure your browser, flash player, and graphics drivers (clean instal) are all up to date like other people are saying. Try using another web browser as well.

I cannot seem to find the post now, but quite a few people were saying flash player beta fixed it. I'm using chrome so I'm not sure what version is included with mine. I've been having issues with my laptop since upgrading to latest drivers, but I've been using the flag "GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D" in chrome. I just disabled that to see if I still have problems.
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I updated to the beta flash. I also set the GPU to Performance

Thanks guys.. Ill play and get back you.

Hypertension: Thanks for the input. The system is a relatively new build.. Nov I think. All drivers are up to date, except the Nvidia.. still on the 285.. I was havig the issue with the 290 and 295 betas.. so.. hesitant.

I am on a SSD.. M4.. Hibernation off though.. the pc stays on 24/7.. going to fiddle with the 2 changes just made above.

Thanks all
I did the Adobe Flash Beta Linked, and the Power setting in the 3D section of the Nvidia control panel to performance

NO ISSUES with flash videos... so far..


Thanks for the Help [H] Folks!
Glad it worked, now I hope I've got my problems fixed too. I disabled acceleration in chrome and I'm still using 295.73 drivers. Cross my fingers.
Getting the "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" error message is more like a power management issue, because:
1. Using the Preformance setting in Power Management/NVCP usually solves this error;
2. Upping the voltage levels for the GPU is another option that usually works too;
3. Disabling Power Mizer (LINK) with this utility or with this application also resolved the issues for quite a few users. This works for laptop and desktop computers too !

NVIDIA® PowerMizer® technology is a graphic card speed throttling and power saving technology introduced by Nvidia for desktop and laptop computers. PowerMizer technology affects the GPU shader clock, core clock, and memory clock. It works by reducing the affected components of the graphic card clock rate and voltage when on idle, and increase these components clock rate and voltage as demand of the GPU increase, using an intelligent power management system.

I vote for option no.3, because you can use hardware accelerated flash playback and have Adaptive power management for your gfx. card. ;)
If that was the case, it wouldn't be fixed, like he said.

that and there would be system wide problems.:D

This.. Also, the more you would push your card (stress testing or gaming) the worse and / or more frequent you would develop errors. These are generally shown as artifact. Kernal failure is "traditionally" more software driven, frequently by conflicting code under different software.

The latest 295 (WHQL) seems to be more hit or miss, I just installed them on my 570's (SLI) and so far so good, but time will tell.
It's the nvidia TDR bug, hardware acceleration with browsers and flash player are known culprits. Since I have disabled gpu acceleration with chrome I have not had any issues.
Not sure what the source is.. beginning to suspect my Silver stone 750 isnt enough?

GTX580 just watching freaking Youtubes now.. display will blow up, system doesn't BSOD any more ( yay Win7 ) but.. get the display kernal fail, stopped running, etc...

only time it works without if I do a complete power down, leave it off for 5 mins. Power up.. works great for a day or so..

If I do that, Its fine for a day .. gaming, you tube videos, etc. But If I have the system on over night, come home, watch a video.. its does this. It recovers, but I loose the video...

system is new build, 2600k, 16gb ram, asus max gene 4, m4 c:\, single GTX580 MSI Twin Frozr. small OC to 4.2 was stable for a while, is stable in all other ways..just the video driver stops responding...

750 should be enough...

Although, I do have both pwr inputs on the 580 from the same modular rail.. could that be it?

tried lots of different drivers, no change...

This issue used to stem from power saving features enabled. I remember somebody had to disable their power saving features and leave windows power managment at high performance to fix this issue.

Also can you enable the crash log to see what driver/application is doing this? It could be a third party application.
"NVIDIA is aware that some GeForce customers have reported Windows TDRs (timeout detection and recovery) while browsing the web with Release 280 and later drivers. NVIDIA is actively working with customers to address this issue. In the few cases where NVIDIA has been able to reproduce this issue (both on-site and working directly with customers), a complete manual uninstall of the driver and subsequent clean installation of the latest Release 290 drivers using the exact directions below has fixed the issue. We will actively pursue any issues experienced by customers after following the clean installation steps below."