Friend's question.


Limp Gawd
Dec 23, 2004
He has $320 to spend on a video card and he wants to know what the best bang for his buck would be.
$250 dollar Geforce 6800nu. I'm assuming its an AGP board though... Could you give us some more specs? Particularly the power supply?
Sorry to ask you to be even more specific, but what brand and model is the PSU? Thats already a pretty power hungry machine.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
Sorry to ask you to be even more specific, but what brand and model is the PSU? Thats already a pretty power hungry machine.
Aspire or Super Flower, he hasn't decided.
BossNoodleKaboodle said:
$250 dollar Geforce 6800nu. I'm assuming its an AGP board though... Could you give us some more specs? Particularly the power supply?

whoa whoa, where have you found a 6800NU for 250? cheapest ive seen it is at chumbo for 260 after sending in your old card. ill probably end up getting that relatively soon myself...
tranCendenZ said:
ASUS 6800GT 128mb $319

its a 6800GT (16x1) with 128mb of ddr1. Not as fast as a real 6800GT, but a lot faster than a 6800nu for $35 more. Best value for $320.

lol the memory is at 700mhz.. no.. it's a slightly faster 6800NU with the extra 4 pipes unlocked.. not a good value at all.... the best value is the 6800NU at outpost for 249.99 bucks... get one if u catch those in stock.. otherwise... if he got 320 bucks to spend.. grab the 6800NU.. but if he wants even more performance.. save 80 more bucks and get the 6800gt which is alot faster than the 6800nu
Its pretty difficult to get a 6800 for $250, I tried to order from outpost but they emailed me after I ordered it and said it would not be in stock for 30 days or more.
Id say go with the asus 128MB 6800GT, I think im getting one also.
aZn_plyR said:
lol the memory is at 700mhz.. no.. it's a slightly faster 6800NU with the extra 4 pipes unlocked.. not a good value at all.... the best value is the 6800NU at outpost for 249.99 bucks... get one if u catch those in stock.. otherwise... if he got 320 bucks to spend.. grab the 6800NU.. but if he wants even more performance.. save 80 more bucks and get the 6800gt which is alot faster than the 6800nu

Cheapest good brand 6800nu in stock from a reliable store is ~$285. Outpost has been out of stock at the $250 price point for weeks. For around $35 more he can have a core that is a 6800GT core, which means it can probably OC to 6800U speeds. There is zero guarantee a 6800nu will be able to unlock the pipes successfully, and chances that it will be able to do so with no problem are not large. Therefore the ASUS 6800GT 128mb is definitely the best value for $320. You are talking 3900 vs 5600 fillrate out of the box plus an extra vertex shader for $35. Worth it.
Found my 6800nu for 239.99 locally... came out to 259 after tax of course but I still feel like I got a decent deal on it. Id get a 6800nu and try to unlock the pipes and overclock it.. you can get GT or near GT performance. Then again you can always get a GT to run close to Ultra speeds..... it never ends :rolleyes: