From axiom to av123


Jul 5, 2008
I'm confused, I wasn't 30 minutes ago, but now I am and I'll tell you why!

30 minutes ago I was planning on getting the axiom computer speakers bundled with a subwoofer and an amplifier, everything in a single package for $581.

But then I read something about the axiom speakers being too bright and hard on the ears and that the av123 x-ls are a much better alternative.

After a lot of reading I haven't found a single bad comment about the x-ls, so I figure I get a pair of those. But the only subwoofer they offer costs $699!! And there's no x-ls amplifier to be found on av123's website. Is an amp unnecessary for the x-ls speakers ?

I'm located in Iceland so the axiom purchase would have been convenient because then I'd only have to buy from one store and deal with Icelandic customs ones for that package.

Is there some route for me that I'm not seeing that will get me an x-ls speaker system bundled with a sub and an amp ?

Any advice on a good way to get the x-ls system would be appreciated ...but if you don't have any, at least try to re convince me to go the axiom route instead so I won't be lost in between.
No, an amp is necessary. Also, the reason why the sub is so expensive is because they discontinued the x-sub. Supposedly, they have an x-sub encore in the works, but I don't know when.
I've got a pair of x-ls Encores and an x-cs Encore. Absolutely love'em!! I passed on the x-sub, tho. Instead, I grabbed a BIC Acoustech H-100 for $225 from eBay. It dumps on the x-sub, big time.
Check the AV123 classifieds section. There are always people dumping X-LS/CS there cheap. Use the savings to buy a cheap amp or receiver.

You also have the Encore version and the original version. The encore has a better tweeter. I have a pair of both, but haven't tried them head to head. Basically, I don't hear a phenomenal difference between the Encore and original, though the originals could use help in the upper registers. If you're on a budget, the originals are easily the better buy.

With prices creeping upward and shipping so exorbitant, the X series is not the value it used to be, but they are solid speakers so there is little to complain about other than overall cost, at their level.

If you're getting a sub, I'd say look at their new ELT line also .The X-stuff is overly large because of the design consideration of having big bass, which you won't need so much of with a sub.

I got a 12" sub from Parts Express during their free shipping deal, I haven't fired it up yet. The box is woefully unbraced (same with their BR-1 speaks). I'd love to compare that with a BIC H-100. I didn't realize the PE box was ported, so we'll see how their lower-end driver handles being abused (mwah hah hah).

If you're really looking for those tiny computer speakers (as noted in your Axiom link) you also have the Swan M12 setup. Those aren't "real" speakers though. :D

Re: Axiom. I've never heard a set, but I wouldn't be too horrified if someone said a speaker was 'bright'. It's not like you're really going to be in pain or anything. Metal domes are more shrill in general, so if you're listening to music with a lot of high frequencies it will be a little more emphasized there, but it's not going to affect general enjoyment most of the time unless you're a frothing at the mouth audiophile. (I prefer soft domes myself, though.) Remember the Axioms have a lot of fans as well, some people like "bright" speakers. There's an 80% chance you're not audiophile enough to tell the difference.
Ok, now I'm starting to tilt towards the axiom again. I still think I might prefer soft domes as well but the x-ls way is just too complex. The axiom is getting fantastic reviews from people that know more about this stuff than I do, I think I'll just make things simple for me and trust the reviews...
Elvar, hang on a bit and let me contact my friend in Iceland. He is most knowledgeable about these things.
Ok. Who's your friend? The Icelandic people are so few, we all kind of know each other... ;)
Spritzer on Head-Fi. He is into Stax headphones and says no idea. That 70% import tax sucks.
Haha, yeah I just found out about the extreme tax this morning, I thought it was only 32% I might just have to make do some cheap logitechs untill my next visit to the states since Iceland is going through extreme financial crisis and the tax is ridiculous on top of that. :(
Haha, yeah I just found out about the extreme tax this morning, I thought it was only 32% I might just have to make do some cheap logitechs untill my next visit to the states since Iceland is going through extreme financial crisis and the tax is ridiculous on top of that. :(

My condolences. Hit Spritzer up though. He might turn you into a headphone fanatic like himself. Nice guy. I bought some terrific Stax from him.