Frontlines out on monday, is it worth getting?


Mar 26, 2003
Played this way early in closed beta and it had major potential... havent played the open beta so I'm not sure how it turned out... is it worth buying? will it fill my BF2 void?
None of the Betas never could connect to a server for me, I even tried multiple installs of Windows, I guess some people obviously managed to play it though. It looks like a fun game, but I think everyone will ignore it because it hasn't a high profile and will therefore probably have only a few dozen high ping servers with players at any particular time like so many other great FPS games that came before. I plan on picking it up AFTER the demo is released so I can see if the game got its connection problems fixed. Doesn't really answer your question, but just felt like saying something about the game.
It felt like an incredibly mediocre version of BF2 to me...

I'd rather play BF2 or 2142 TBH....
It's getting a 75 on Metacritic for the 360 version at the moment. I played the demo on the 360, it was very frustrating with the connection issues and overall felt mediocre.

Have you tried Quake Wars to fill the BF2 void?
I was in the closed beta, game did have a ton of potential. It's biggest downside is the fact that it did not have any of the cool effects, and guns were not all that impressive to me. Overall, I think that with some work it could become the next battlefield. I will be checking out reviews prior to making any sort of a decision however.
I was in the closed beta, game did have a ton of potential. It's biggest downside is the fact that it did not have any of the cool effects, and guns were not all that impressive to me. Overall, I think that with some work it could become the next battlefield. I will be checking out reviews prior to making any sort of a decision however.

I was in the closed beta as well. I thought the guns were better than BF2 as far as feel and stopping power. Especially the Sniper. The sniper is what the sniper should have been in BF2. It actually works very well.

It definitely was buggy during the Beta... but not any more buggy than BF2 was at launch and still is btw. Visually, it's an upgrade over BF2 for sure. I don't understand how anybody could say otherwise really. The infantry feel is much better too. Your not as vulnerable to vehicles if your smart and use the Drones correctly when your stuck on foot. It's also quite fun and rewarding to take out a sniper perched high up picking off your teammates from a long distance even if you only have a shotgun if your an engineer.

The vehicles pretty much felt the same to me as BF2. There is nothing drastically different from what I remember. This game is pretty much a BF2.5. Not quite a BF3.. if you get what I mean..but It's not the BF2 Killer like I had hoped it would least not yet!! Either way, BF2 fans will love this game if they give it a chance.
launch will have serious issues. wait for the patches to come through unless you are desperate.
when is the demo suppose to come out? I don't see why they would release the game before the demo. I guess they are trying to get in some people's pockets before they see how crappy the game is.
I was in the closed beta as well. I thought the guns were better than BF2 as far as feel and stopping power. Especially the Sniper. The sniper is what the sniper should have been in BF2. It actually works very well.

It definitely was buggy during the Beta... but not any more buggy than BF2 was at launch and still is btw. Visually, it's an upgrade over BF2 for sure. I don't understand how anybody could say otherwise really. The infantry feel is much better too. Your not as vulnerable to vehicles if your smart and use the Drones correctly when your stuck on foot. It's also quite fun and rewarding to take out a sniper perched high up picking off your teammates from a long distance even if you only have a shotgun if your an engineer.

The vehicles pretty much felt the same to me as BF2. There is nothing drastically different from what I remember. This game is pretty much a BF2.5. Not quite a BF3.. if you get what I mean..but It's not the BF2 Killer like I had hoped it would least not yet!! Either way, BF2 fans will love this game if they give it a chance.

I agree with you in terms of a visual upgrade, but after all of the games that we saw get released recently.... I personally want more effects, somehting along the lines of COD4 rather then an upgraded bf, just my opinion.
when is the demo suppose to come out? I don't see why they would release the game before the demo. I guess they are trying to get in some people's pockets before they see how crappy the game is.

I read somewhere the demo was supposed to come out in mid March, but I can't find the exact date at the moment.
Well i don't know if we can argue about game being good or bad, that's personal preference. I tried the FFOW Beta and i liked it very much, very team work oriented game, it's not really for lone wolfs run and gun type of game. Graphics are pretty nice, but what makes this game stand out among other FPS games IMO is the sound. Oh my God i loved the sound in that game and those muffled explosions and the stuff you can hear going on on the other side of the map. I think it's going to be a very good game, i'll get it tomorrow. They say if you buy from Best Buy, you'll get one extra map "Urban Warfare" or whatever is that they call it.
Ugh. Watching a friend play the 360 demo, I pointed out everything that was from BF2... Which was just about everything... Never have I had so much enjoyment making fun of a game, then I said "Heheh, since its not actually BF2 it probably isnt made by EA so it might get patched... maybe worth checking out!" Then he said: "It is made by EA..." And that was that. He then proceeded to jump of the tower he was sniping from, and mashed the deploy chute button, which didnt deploy UNTIL he hit the ground... Then he floated for five minutes, in chute mode, doing nothing... Fucking EA. :eek:
OMG it might actually be worth it then! :O

nevermind me. It felt so EA i believed him

I have a good relation with Kaos/old trauma studios since desert combat. Kaos is one of those developper i trust . If its buggy , give it 1 or two patch (wich will be quickly release) .
Seems like this genre is getting awfully crowded lately... Battlefield 2, Battlefield 2142, Quake Wars, and now Frontlines.

It's going to take a monster game to dethrone Battlefield 2, and I don't think this one will be it. Probably will enjoy a niche status like Quake Wars, though.
This genre might be getting crowded but Kaos Studios/Trauma Studios are masters at what they do. Desert Combat was the shit and this should be no different.
I will pick this up for xbox360 since I have a 20.00 coupon for bb 40.00 for a new game aint too bad. Since BF BC will be delayed why wait to play some Battlefield clone until it releases? Plus 50 player matches not too shabby.
My guess is because the game wasn't very good, it was pretty bad on the PC when I tried it.

Going by Metacritic, it's a better game than the majority of PS3 games. So other possibilities are that the PS3 couldn't handle it, the developers didn't think it was worth making a PS3 version, or MS paid them to make it exclusive.
The multiplayer demo for PC comes out March 11. I'd wait until then to make a decision on whether or not to buy the game.
Actually, the alpha was better than the beta. EA must have become involved when they saw it was not cartoony and consoley enough. Plus they added some signature bugs for fun.

Space says no.
The multiplayer demo for PC comes out March 11. I'd wait until then to make a decision on whether or not to buy the game.

This is always a horrible sign... they want to get the impulse buyers first, and not let people try before they buy.

There is no other logical reason to not have a demo out before the full game... game *looks* interesting, but I won't touch it without being able to try out a demo.
I played the beta for about 15 minutes but the narrow console-like FOV and wonky mouse feel made me quit. If these things are fixed in the final version I might try it.
I'll also wait for the official demo. The last beta played alright but something was just "off" about the whole game. My biggest issue with the game are the drones - the game should have been called "Drone Wars" because so many sit back and launch unlimited drones at each other.
Yeah i have been watching videos and it looks promising, but IMO it will definitely take something flawless to get rid of that throne BF has been on! Demo time for me ;)
DO NOT buy the game for PC unless you REALLY want to play singleplayer, if that. The game is still incredibly buggy and many ppl can't even install it. The beta forums are full of people flaming :p
im really sad with this release , i was all hyped about it , but with all the bad feedback on forum and the lack of good reviews i do not see myself getting this game ... well maybe if there is a patch released... or if there is a good price drop:(
IGN says there are no dedicated servers for the PC?

I really hope that's just some kind of error on the review's part? I can't imagine it would be too awesome trying to have a 64 player match on no dedicated servers, and the lack of them altogether is kind of a shocking abscence in this day and age.