

Feb 11, 2005
I just got off the phone with Fry's and they are expected to have them on Monday so I'll be there at 8am waiting :D.
Nice. I'll be there as well, especially since I live within a few hundred feet from one :)
PureBooYah said:
obviously it's a fry's plot against you to stop you from getting one


Himmler, who did you speak with? I was talking to Samantha, a girl, which might be part of the problem!
I have no idea who it was. It was some guy who was in the CPU department. Regardless I will be calling Sunday to double check and if they're there I will have to be late for work at 8 and be at Frys. Man, I'm such a loser. :p :p
I was at Fry's at 8 this morning to get a C2D E6600. (They received shipment yesterday evening).
They do have them, but no amount of begging or threats to the family of the store manager would persuade them to sell me one. Will NOT sell them until Monday. NO list. NO prebuy. It's FFA and PvP come monday morning at 8.

Since my mobo came today, I wanted to build over the weekend- but no LGA775 proc to my name. So I ended up buying a Retail Box Celeron D 336 for $39.99 to get me by for the requisite driver/OS/Program install part of the build.

They also had the Antec TruePower 2.0 550 on sale for $79.99. Not a bad deal.
Himmler said:
I guarantee you they have them..just can't sell them until Monday.

Well, I mean have them and for sale. I went last week to the Thunderbird Fry's and it showed that within the next few days, they'd be receiving a shipment. The person I talked to at the time said that as soon as Fry's (or, atleast that Fry's) received them, that they'd be able to sell them. I haven't checked back there though.
So it sounds like Monday for sure! I hope this pans out.. Newegg just shipped the rest of my components today, so they should be here Tuesday at the LATEST. I need a processor!
talk2farley said:
So it sounds like Monday for sure! I hope this pans out.. Newegg just shipped the rest of my components today, so they should be here Tuesday at the LATEST. I need a processor!
So I shall see you on Monday at Fry's at 8am? :D
Haha more than likely if we are both going to the Las Vegas branch. Look for the skinny redhead. I will be wearing jeans and a badly wrinkled polo shirt.
I'll be the tall dude with dark spiked hair wearing a button up shirt.

If I am not there, buy me a CPU!! I'll pay you extra for it as well.
rapperwith1p said:
Do you guys know what the price at Frys B&M will be?

That's a good question. I hope the bundle it with a free ECS board. None of the boards out there have nice NB volt action AFAIK, so I may as well have it run on a freebie for the time being. Heck, anything to get off this multi-anything impaired P4 630!

I called the PC Club in Mesa and they have the e6300 for 259, but no dice til Monday. Anyone know a worker there? I'd pay the premium for instant grats!!
rapperwith1p said:
Do you guys know what the price at Frys B&M will be?

Yes. You have a PM with the skinny. I don't want everyone who bought online to have a cow.

BTW, there won't be any E6600's on sale at Fry's on 8/7. You got a choice of E6300, E6400 and E6700.
GMoney42392 said:
as far as i can tell, there r no fry's in michigan :(. i need 2 go cry now.

That may be true. There's one in IL.
Strange that they put 3 of them in Houston all within a circle 40 miles in diameter. :D
yevaud said:
So I ended up buying a Retail Box Celeron D 336 for $39.99 to get me by for the requisite driver/OS/Program install part of the build.

Some people have no patience
yevaud said:
That may be true. There's one in IL.
Strange that they put 3 of them in Houston all within a circle 40 miles in diameter. :D
Psst...Fry's started in Houston. ;) Makes sense they would have a few stores, since they were originally local and expanded.

osalcido said:
Some people have no patience
You obvious have not heard of Fry's renting...I mean return policy! :D

yevaud said:
Yes. You have a PM with the skinny. I don't want everyone who bought online to have a cow.
BTW, there won't be any E6600's on sale at Fry's on 8/7. You got a choice of E6300, E6400 and E6700.

Furreal? If that's a clever ploy to make me buy an E6700, it might just work.
Unless Houston is in Sunnyvale, California....

Fry's started in Cali in 1985, one of their first major pushes has been to us here in Texas (pssst, I live in Sugar Land). We have one just about 5-8 miles away.
InorganicMatter said:
You obvious have not heard of Fry's renting...I mean return policy! :D

Yeah, but I might actually keep it. I'm putting everything into an Asrock 775 Dual-Vsta for now. When conroe compatible mobos start coming out that have compelling features and some reasonable pricing, I'll ditch the Asrock and move the C2D to a new home (NF5 or whatever owns when DX10 cards appear). The celery will be needed again for gramma's gaming rig.
yevaud said:
Yes. You have a PM with the skinny. I don't want everyone who bought online to have a cow.

BTW, there won't be any E6600's on sale at Fry's on 8/7. You got a choice of E6300, E6400 and E6700.
Thats not what I heard. The guy said the E6600 is $379 and will be available.
Himmler said:
Thats not what I heard. The guy said the E6600 is $379 and will be available.

My comment is based on what I saw at the store I went to- where the procs are displayed, there were tags for the three I mentioned.
Manager on duty said they didn't receive any 6600's. His knowledge is probably limited to the store he works at. I guess it's possible that some stores got some and some didn't. I'll make some calls tomorrow and find out for sure.
Talked to a rep at the Fry's in Tempe and he said they have e6300's and e6400's ready to go for Monday. He wasn't sure about the e6600's but said he would have a few but couldn't give me any hard numbers.
Professor12 said:
Talked to a rep at the Fry's in Tempe and he said they have e6300's and e6400's ready to go for Monday. He wasn't sure about the e6600's but said he would have a few but couldn't give me any hard numbers.

The Fry's at Thunderbird showed the 6300,6400, 6600 and 6700 all present in their system. I didn't ask about the XS.
Funny, because (FRY's web-sales division) just shows the 6300 and 6400 for Monday and the others for future shipment around the middle of August.


ToastMaster said:
The Fry's at Thunderbird showed the 6300,6400, 6600 and 6700 all present in their system. I didn't ask about the XS.
aamsel said:
Funny, because (FRY's web-sales division) just shows the 6300 and 6400 for Monday and the others for future shipment around the middle of August.


Well, when I went in there and inquired as to whether they had them or not and which ones they had, those are the ones I actually saw on the screen as he scrolled through them (I also specifically asked for the E6600 and E6700, as those are two I'm considering).

Also, remember that while both Outpost and the Fry's stores are owned by the same corporation, they still essentially operate as two separate entities (which is why a Fry's store won't generally honor an Outpost sales price).
That is true.


ToastMaster said:
...Also, remember that while both Outpost and the Fry's stores are owned by the same corporation, they still essentially operate as two separate entities (which is why a Fry's store won't generally honor an Outpost sales price).
Outpost may as well be newegg when it comes to Fry's. What I mean's you just can't rely on the .com to have stock. And it works both ways. I've gone in and seen some crazy what's a my callit @ Fry's and it's STILL not on the site. With as much stock that store has (tempe, AZ)'s amazing sometimes.

So who's getting there proc at the Tempe Fry's? I've been out of the loop for a little while and am pretty dang excited to hook up with something worthy of rippin open the pc. Maybe we could all gather down there manana and march for our Conroes now? Eh? :p :p

As for the Proc, I'll be more than satisfied with an e6300. I've got a P180 case and I'm determined to keep it quiet, so HIGH OC ain't the goal. If it hits 2.3, fantastic. I've been runnin' this P4 630 stock for a couple months now...but I did get the itch to hike'r up last night. Small bump to 3.4g's, but it's fun....still slow compared to my old opty 165 tho...ugh! UGH! Who the hell let me sell my gaming rig without throwing a fit!?! I mean, none of you even tried to stop me!
Grrr....maybe I can trick the guy's at PC Club to hook it up. Any ideas? The Intel date's apparently the 7th, we've seen it all over the place. But folks ARE USING these things. They can't all be web masters of anand/hard/bit-tech/hot/bjorn/tom's/beyond/etc...can they? :( :( :( I are u guys gettin' your chips? I think a good solid argument could def motivate me to persuade Mr. PC Club. :p