FS - 19" NEC Multisync CRT - CHEAP, Local Pickup


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2006
Everything sold locally!

Sorry, just have the needs now!


*Hard drives*

Either a single 36gb Raptor and 2 (Sata300) 300GB's, or a sata300 160gb and the 2 300's. Anything but Maxtor.


2gb or DDR500. OCZ, Corsair, etc. Just plain good memory.

*Power supply*

My power supply SUCKS. Looking for something 600+ watts, rock solid stable. Must have SLi, 24-pin, etc.


Logitech G15, Saitek or equivalent.

Think that's it! :)

Heat - Darksi
Verified, this unit is an NEC Multisync FE950+.

Manufacturing date is actually January 2002. So much for being sure! :D
Dang! My sister moved to AZ otherwise I'd have her pick it up for me. Oh well, good luck!

Sorry lagerter! I hate when that happens.... But hey, feel free to come pick this one up :p