FS: 700Mhz Ibook



I had a thread on this a bit ago to trade this thing for somthing cool and nobody took me up on it, so I figured I'd just sell it and spend the cash on ebay. I'm asking 600 + Shipping for it. Here are the Specs:

700Mhz G3
640MB Mem (Crucial)
DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive
20 GB HD
Airport Wireless

As far as physical condition goes, the screen is perfect. No marks, bright all the way across and no dead pixels. The outside of the casing has a few wear/tear scratches, nothing you can see without looking *really* hard, definately nothing that you could feel running your finger over it. I've included pics, but they're not of the best quality as I'm still using my Olympus D-520 I had in high school.

Closed (outer casing)
Close up of keyboard
Close up of LCD (and my girlfriend ;) )
Front Look

It's currently running Linux. I have a friend with a similar model (less mem) and it runs OS-X 10.3 fine. Before you purchase if you want linux on it, I will clean install it for you, or ship it with the discs (or both). I generally switch back and forth between Gentoo and YDL. It's running YDL at the moment. I also have a Airport Base Station, which is almost brand new that I will include with the laptop for an extra 50 bucks (I think they still go for more than 100, it was 200 new).

I'm not on heatware, but I am on ebay under the username "mypoorwallet", where i have perfect feedback on 80-somthing transactions. I'll also give you my address/phone number and let you call me so you know I'm here (or whatever else you feel is appropriate).

Thanks for looking.
Bump. Just woke up, spent the morning helping my gf move to her new place, came home and crashed. Huge fishtanks make my arms scream for mercy..
I'm interested, YDL version? And whats the graphics card in this model?
YDL 3 (might be 3.x, i'm not positive), on a ATI Radeon Mobility M6
hmm, Well right now I have close to 400 in paypal I am awaiting my desktop's sale. I like the iBook, I'm not sure how fast you want to sell it but it has my interest ^-^
If only I could you for 3com superstacks, a video card, and a box full of dvds.

I can dream. You'v got what I need.
Damit, forget it i want it, let do this deal ^-^ I want the airport and all!
HEHEHE!! IT'S MINE!!!! lol ^-^ or atleast I put a deposit down