FS: AMD Opteron 144 oem trays


Limp Gawd
Nov 19, 2005
I have two Opteron 144 oem trays (socket 939 OSA144DAA5BN stepping - CAB2E 0546UPMW) remaining. I want a firm $180 + shipping on these. I have three more coming this week. These are extremely rare now since AMD has cut off selling them to resellers to eliminate them from being distributed to end users. These are known to go past FX-57 (2.8ghz) speeds for much less of a price to dish out. My friend and I each have one that went to 2.9ghz and we will be trying for more when our new HSF comes in. These are brand new. Don't harass me on price, if you don't want any, move on and don't even post. I'm sure with them totally being cut off from resellers now, selling through ebay there is a great possibility of me getting more on there, but I'm offering it on here for now.

Thank you,



Heatware: http://www.heatware.com/eval.php?id=19800
Ebay: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=masta819&ssPageName=STRK:ME:UFS
IAmSpoli said:
you are 1 lucky SOB :)


Your system is like an exact mirror of mine almost haha. I have 2GB GSkill DDR500 extreme kit coming as well. Can't wait to see what more I can pump out of this processor. Might be getting a new motherboard as well... ;)

Buy these from Monarch last week?

I got two also.

My one is doing a solid 2.8ghz with 1.475v with the same stepping. It is HTT limited though. I don't feel the need to do the chipset vmod on my 6100-939 though. Other one I ebayed.

Great chips here people! I would expect 2.8ghz.
Yeah, they are awesome chips. I got two extremely low batch numbers in my shipment yesturday. One is 50028 and one is 50049 :) I bet those are amazing...

I have one on ebay right now...selling for $207.50 currently with over an hour left :)
