FS: BNIB Asus Strix GTX 1080 (Local pickup, SF Bay Area)


Dec 14, 2006
This is a local San Francisco Bay Area sale only. Mostly in Daly City (94015) or San Francisco. I am not willing to ship due to the cost of shipping.

Brand New In Box GTX Asus Strix GTX 1080 - $710 Each
The fiance was angry when I came home from Fry's with these. It was either her or the video cards. This sale will determine who stays!






Any questions or comments please do not hesitate to ask me!
Free Bump. Love the first pic with the cards in seatbelt! Why can't you return them though if it hasn't been 30 days?
Shipping thru USPS is about $25 bucks...just add it to asking cost. If you drive one down to Temecula, i'll buy one
Shipping thru USPS is about $25 bucks...just add it to asking cost. If you drive one down to Temecula, i'll buy one
I'll double check on that since a sale like this needs to be insured. Haha I was just in Riverside last week!
Bump. To be honest if something is packaged well I don't see the reason to insure shit all the time. Unless ofcourse you don't put this in another box where someone might be tempted to jack this. I am going to be honest if I know my card is secured inside I don't care to insure anything unless the buyer wants it.
I would rather return them both to Fry's than wasting my time meeting with a total stranger.
I'll double check on that since a sale like this needs to be insured. Haha I was just in Riverside last week!
As one person states, as long as you pack your item safe for travel insurance really isn't necessary. Hell Newegg sends out video cards all the time that are packaged questionably and I have never come up with a busted card.

I would rather return them both to Fry's than wasting my time meeting with a total stranger.
As long as someone has a good heatware and a good rep on the forum, I'll meet with them. I'll even see if they want to have lunch and kill some beers.
I was all excited (in Mountain View) but I need the FE sized card. Bump.