FS Cooler Master v1000 1000w Power Supply (seasonic)

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Feb 14, 2005
Hello fellow members.

I'm posting on my phone right now, ill organize thread more when I get home.

I purchased this about a 1.5-2 months ago. I have upgraded my computer and need to buy a larger psu.

I have all cables + original box + its like new clean.

155 shipped obo
Heatware is 2wiced
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What hardware did you upgrade that you would need more than a 1000w Seasonic? :p

I have an x850 in my system running dual 7870's and a huge water cooling loop and it doesn't even break a sweat. :D
Water cooling. 4770k @ 1.3v and 2 780s with unlocked voltages. It runs great. But my gtxs need a bigger power supply for 1400core in sli. :( lol they run fine at 1300 core lol.

so I'm in no hurry.
I picked up one about 2 months ago as well, and have been very pleased with it so far. Bump for a high end PSU.
Have someone interested locally. Sale not final. Ill let you guys know. Keep sending offers
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