FS: Core i7 920

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Limp Gawd
Nov 18, 2008
Will come in its box with retail fan.
Asking for $240-> $220 shipped. Comes with retail fan (although not pictured). Lost the manual.
I have little heat, sorry. I hope to improve it.
My heat name is jjz22

PM me for further details.


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Sucks :(. Hopefully someone will still have the cash to take this processor off my hands. Bump.
Bump. Just like to mention that I got this processor up to 3.8 ghz without hassle.
Thanks for the bump. I've added a picture with my name. It isn't the best of pictures, and the ink for my name is a bit bled out, but you can tell it is my name and that it is a core i7 920. The batch no. is there for you as well.

Also, although it is not pictured, it comes with the retail fan. I lost the manual; however, sorry.

The white stuff you see is just the thermal paste. No scratches or anything. Processor works fine.

hmm, I dont think it is the economy, most people are looking for the D0 stepping, and they will even pay higher for that. I hope you sell it soon.
Bump. You understand not being afraid to spend helps save the economy?
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