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Oct 19, 2004
For sale, one EVGA 690 GTX. I bought this thinking I would replace my two 680's but I after trying it out I decided to just keep the 680's and sell it. Used for a total of 2 hours, works great and includes retail box and all accessories.



$1400 Shipped and Insured via USPS Priority. Heatware is under d7a7z7e7d.

Local pickup in Orange County, CA can be arranged. I'm in Lake Forest.

Thanks for looking!

Edit: Figure it might be worth mentioning that this will include original purchase receipt from EVGA and this card has NOT been registered yet so you will be able to do that as well!

Update: SOLD!
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Out of curiosity, why did you pick the 680s over the 690? Bump

Mainly because I already had my waterblocks and didn't want to go through the hassle of returning them and having to wait for a 690 waterblock to be released. Plus, the way the casing lights up is just too cool to get rid of -- would be awesome if the 690 waterblocks could incorporate the illuminated "GEFORCE GTX"
Why did you get this? :( You should have just waited for the 7990, which is fairly priced.
Wow what a card. Hey guys, the longer you wait to buy this the higher the price will get. This wont be one of those sales where you see *price drop* in a week. This thing will be 50-100 more in price in a week. Get it while its still cheap!

US $1,444.00is the lowest shipped price for a 690 on ebay.. so the OP's 1400 isnt bad.. For everyone else bitching about the cost.. Supply & demand..
if your not interested in buying the card, do yourself a favor and hit the back button

(18) No THREAD CRAPPING. It is rude and will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with the price, the seller or the conditions of the sale, contact the seller directly, do not post it in the thread.
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I didn't mean any offense buy it.. more power to you that you can afford all that stuff. I know I can't.lol
Bump for you in the process.
OMFG !!! what a beast ..... good luck with the sale and BUMP for looking while im high ;)
Bump for an honest buyer that ships SUPER fast. Like, extremely fast.

Which reminds me, I got heat to leave. LOL
OMG I can't believe it, congratulations my friend. I know this is personal so you don't have to tell us but did it really go for $1,400?
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