FS/FT laptop for DSLR and/or LED projection


Jan 22, 2007
Okay guys...

I have an HP dv 9500

I want a GREAT DSLR kit for it, 2x decent dslr kits, or and LED projector plus cash. The was some cosmetic damage to it, but nothing that hinders anything. It is running XP now cause we know vista blows.

I would prefer an SDHC capable camera, canons or nikons get top consideration, but i am trying to be as open to anything. the more extensive your kit, the better chance i will do a straight trade. I do lots of research, but i am a new guy just trying to get into photography.
i figure its worth atleast over $700, as on ebay even the parts one that didn't boot went for $600 + 50 shipping, on ebay, it goes for more than that. seeing as that price is around the price of a d200 nikon with a lens or 1 new canon xsi kit or a few used nikons, or any LED based projector, i think you are mistaken my friend.
Just some friendly advice... you probably want to list the full specs of the laptop. You also really need some pictures of it up since you stated it has cosmetic damage. Also people are going to want some references on here as well. It may not hurt to be a little more realistic....
fleat you are right, i've just got finals and stuff. I will post the invfo later, i've just been...distracted :). Although i might be trading the lappy for a few imacs. Maybe people will trade for that :)?