FS: iPhone 4 ATT, UUID registered | Broken Screen | Still works $400 shipped

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Jun 13, 2002
Up for sale I have my old iPhone 4 locked to ATT. The screen has been shattered but is otherwise in working condition.

Size is 16GB

After the screen broke I applied a screen protector to it so it was still usable but ended up replacing the phone a few days later. Everything still works. Before the screen was broken the phone was in perfect condition.

Includes - Box, charger, cable, headphones

Asking $325 shipped

Will post more pictures once I get home from work tonight.


Some additional pictures, sorry the nexus s seems to take some crappy pictures. Click on the images for the full sized version.

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by broken screen do you just mean broken screen glass cover? Is the actual display in working condition?
Actual display is in working condition. no dead pixels, lines, dead spots. Just the glass is shattered.
just fyi to any potential buyers, you can buy the Glass cover for 25$ online ;)
i believe the iphone4 has the components glued to the front screen unlike the 3g/3gs which had the things glued to the front, its much easier to replace back than front considering i opened mine up haha but is there warranty on it?
Purchased on day 1 when they came out, no warranty. Its my understanding that apple will still swap it out for $200. the front glass/screen can be purchased online anywhere for 80-120$.
Just so a future buyer knows it is about 100 most places to replace the screen. This is because on the Iphone 4 the glass is sealed with the lcd rather than being separate like the 3g. Good luck with the sale!
its gonna cost more than 25 dollars for the screen and digitizer since its fused as one. its gonna be about 100 or more for that. Too much effort.
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