FS: Modded Xbox

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Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2003
Modded Xbox:
Xecuter 2.6, soldered
250 gig hard drive (WD2500JB)
newly formatted hard drive by slayers auto installer (includes apps eg XBMC, dvd2xbox, etc, NO GAMES included (except Xlime) (241 gigs free on F)
painted silver
blue eject button

looking for 350 + shipping, would MUCH prefer pick up, I'd be willing to drive 50 miles from Lincoln, NE, and will be going up to Brookings, South Dakota in 3 weeks if a buyer is en route.


non free email: xturmn8r@|remove|bigred<d0t>unl.edu

plz contact via messenger ([email protected]) or AIM (zabuzzard)

Thanks for looking, bumps appreciated!
forgot: heatware: xturmn8r, 2-0-0

anyone? anyone? Bueller?

if you don't know what a modded xbox does, I recommend you check out www.xbox-scene.com, a mod chip really brings out the abilities of the xbox, you can stream movies to it, as well as a ton of other nifty stuff. my personal modded xbox has more games than I could ever play on it, like homebrew games (eg, doom and quake 2), as well as older console games.
pricedrop: 350 + shipping

get yer media center here! (Comes with XBMC preinstalled)
1.0, thomson. the sticker is still on the bottom if you care to get the new cords.
bump This thing is so much better than a regular Xbox. Read up on them if you don't know their capabilities! 250 gigs of goodness waiting to be filled ;)
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