FS: Opty 165 LCB9E, DFI Ultra-D, 2x1gig Mushkin Redline

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Nov 13, 2005

I've got heat under holli4pirating
I'm located at zip 14627, so you can check shipping rates

I'm trying to sell off my current rig to move to a C2Q in order to up the PPD. I'm not in a big hurry to sell since gaming is the rig's main purpose.
I'll only part if I get a buyer for at least (ram) or (mobo + cpu).
I'm not really sure what this stuff goes for (esp the ram), so feel free to PM me offers or let me know if you think the price is too high.

2 x 1 Mushkin XP4000 Redline DDR500: This kit screams. I got it as a trade here on [H] about a year and a half or so ago (yes, this is Fluke420's ram, and the OCZ he's got listed in his sig was mine), and it's run like a champ. It's rated at 3-3-3-8@250 mhz, but I run it at 3-3-3-8@270 mhz and the highest I've ever pushed it is [email protected] mhz. I'm pretty sure it will go higher (I believe I've seen it in the 280's in reviews). It's got the red heatspreaders, and it's always had a downdraft from the CPU heatsink (XP120 and then a Geminii). They're under a lifetime warranty and can take up to 2.9 volts. $150 OBO

DFI Ultra-D: A well known and solid overclocker. This one has not been modded to SLI, but it is doable. I've got the full retail package except the cables. I bought it as a full retail kit, and I've been the only owner. $75 OBO

Opteron 165: Another tried and true overclocker. It's LCB9E, which was one of the later steppings to emerge. I run it daily at 2.7 SMP folding stable, but I don't know how high she'll go. I've always kept the voltage at or under 1.45, and the temps have never been over 45 (that was only during summer before I turned down the clocks, normally temps max at 37). I bought this as a retail kit and I've been the only owner, but I'm not including the retail kit because I don't have the heatsink anymore. I can include a heatsink from a single core Opty if you're interested (that's all I've got spare). $75 OBO

A note on the OC: I didn't push any higher because I found a nice combo of ram timings, ram speed and CPU speed, so there may be some headroom left. YMMV.

I'm starting with an asking price of $300 + shipping. That may seem high, but I think it's worth it considering what the ram can do. I can ship USPS or UPS.

i've already got the other components or I'd get the entire bundle, however if you part out, I'd really like the RAM.

Let me know when and if that happens,

ya that ram is nice ill take it since i already have ultrad's and opteron165's sitting in boxes
I've added individual prices and parting conditions since I've had some interest in the various bits. Those that have posted interest in a part have received a PM
Evening bump. Feel free to lowball me.

EDIT: No more lowballing, I'm pretty firm on the prices now.
PM's responded. Nothing is spoken for yet. Thanks for the bump and the interest.

The chip was Orthos stable at 2.745 and also SMP stable (which means it could run the F@H SMP client). SMP also puts the CPU at full load and, if I'm correct, is a better test of memory stability.
how long @2.7xGhz stable? curious cause i haven't had any luck myself w/my athlon x2 4400 (2.2ghz to 2.6). prime95 would only be stable around 2.3, 2.4ish.

i've always read opterons were so much better QC that they can withstand OC... but i don't mind spending a bit more for 180/185 either... if they're still available. these things are going, going almost gone =).

i hate to be a PITA, but can u try prime95 on it for @least a day? if it works, count me in as the buyer.
@ Jedi: It folds 27/7 on the SMP client with 100% of the CPU. Well, 100% is what it's set to, but the FAH client usually gets about 98%. That's been running for...months. I also run games on top of the FAH client (so the games take priority and FAH gets the leftovers) without any issue.

When I was tweaking the OC, I used Orthos on both small and blend. I don't remember if I ever let it go for 24 hours, but it's certainly run at least 15 hours without any issues. My understanding is that Orthos checks stability as well as if not better than Prime95.

I have no qualms calling the system stable up to at least 2.745.
I will ship outside the US. The buyer will cover all shipping fees + the charge for an international envelope/box (if applicable) + customs (if applicable). To protect myself, the buyer will have to send over the cost of the item, estimated shipping, and estimated extra costs before I'll agree to a deal and ship the item. Upon the actual shipping, the buyer and I will settle the difference (which this will hopefully minimize). This is to protect myself since international shipping can be expensive.
Morning bump. If this doesn't sell soon, I'm just gonna have to settle with keeping it and not upgrading after all.
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