FS: Pimp case, needs TLC. Spent too much time on it, giving it away cheap.


Jun 24, 2003
This is the product of many hours of the part of an enthusiastic teenager. I've put too much effort into this case. My friend gave it to me- immediately I had big plans for it. First, I just wanted to paint it blue and put a few fans in. Then a window. Then two more fans on top. Then some 120mm fans on the side. Then I wanted to paint the frame.

So, I dismantled the case- took the side off, cut a window shaped hole in it and some mounting holes for a piece of polycarb. Cool. Then I took the top off, and put two 80mm holes in it, and cut out the metal of the case underneath so that the fans could breathe. Then I painted the sides, bezel, and top textured blue. Looked alright. I could have stopped there... but I didn't. I didn't even reassemble the case and take a picture. I then decided I needed to paint the frame. Then I decided I could do a better job my drilling out every single rivet, painting each piece, and riveting it all back together. So I drilled. Then I sanded.. then I dremeled. Even thought it wasn't nececssary, I wanted to get the frame down to bare metal to paint. Finally, bare metal pieces to paint. That took a long time. Primer. Primer again. Wait. Orange. Orange again. Orange one more time. Clear coat. Clear coat again. Then one more clear coat. Looking good, a pimpin orange frame. A few scratches on the paint, but it's not the end of the world. Oops, I forgot the motherboard tray. Hey, where are the 3.5" bays? Oh well, nobody's going to see the anyway, and mounting the hard drives in the big bays will give better cooling and not have a big wire mess down there. So I go to reassemble it... things don't quite fit together right. The case's frame got tweaked just enough so that the panels won't fit on like they used to. They'll go on with some coaxing and the screw to hold them in- a bit tight, but it works. The thing is- there's this part around the front where the panels don't quite meet the front bezel, and you can see 1/8" to 1/4" of the frame underneath. I tried it for a while. I couldn't take it, being some kind of freak teenage engineer, the lack of precision drove me nuts. So I took off the side and top panels... then, thanks to my low quality HSF, the thing was loud. I went on like this, with the speakers turned up for months. After a while of looking at it, listening to it, I decided it was time for a new case. I hit up ebay for a nice silver Chieftec. It looks real nice. The panels fit on just right. No little orange line driving me nuts... Ah.

So for the past few days, I've had the orange frame sitting on the other side of the room without the panels on. Tonight I decided to sell it. Probably $40 in spraypaint. I have a ton of half-empty cans of spraypaint hanging around- the good stuff, too. Primer, orange, blue, and clear. And you know what? I'm selling it for $20, just so I can get it out of here quick before I try to start working on it again.

If you can live with a little orange stripe and case panels that don't fit on quite right, this case is for you. I'll throw in the 3.5" to 5.25" bay adapter free so you can mount your hard drive.

$20 plus shipping from 01569, say, 15lbs.
If you want the precut polycarb(the bulletproof stuyff) window, throw in $5 and it's yours.

Vital stats I probably didn't mention: Six 5.25 bays Two 3.5" bay spots on the bezel, room for two 80mm fans on top, one 80mm above the not-included PSU, and one 60mm on the back I/O area. HDD, Power, and 'special' LEDs, reset switch- power button, but no power switch. It's standard, you can get it from any old ATX case on the side of the road. I think that covers it. Pics below.

Email: phasmatisnox 'at' charter 'dot' net
AIM: Phasmatis Nox
Heat: PhasmatisNox 28/0/0



