FS Reference RX 480s


Limp Gawd
Dec 4, 2006
Hi All,
I have six reference RX 480s for sale. Not looking to make a profit, just to make my money back after taxes and shipping. Shipping is included in the price. FEDEX 2 Day.

Two are Sapphire 4GB RX 480 Models - I don't know if they flash to 8GB - $230
One 4GB XFX flashed to 8GB XFX Black Edition - $245
Three 8GB Powercolor/MSI RX 480s - $250

I ship for free via FEDEX 2day. These have been used for mining at -30 power limit .800v 900mhz core/1750mhz memory for two weeks at the longest. They've been using roughly 100w each and kept at 70% Fan speed with a 72C temp target. I've decided to 'downgrade' to non-reference 470s for mining.
Would be all over these if non reference design.

Can you check if the 4GB models unlock to 8GB?
I would be willing to check the 4gb models at some point in the near future - but I don't know when I can get to it.
ttt - I'm getting some pretty shit low-ball offers especially on the 4GB Sapphires - No, I will not sell them for $170 or less than $200. I'd rather keep them or ebay.
ttt - I'm getting some pretty shit low-ball offers especially on the 4GB Sapphires - No, I will not sell them for $170 or less than $200. I'd rather keep them or ebay.

I paid $200 for mine shipped brand new, shouldnt used be less then new?

Looks like ebay is a better option, even after fees you should net $220
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It should be, but the 4gb 480s are EOL, so you'll never get one. At least the reference versions that MAY unlock, but certainly use fast ram.
welp .. to fair you did say

ttt - throw some offers up, don't want to give those fees to Ebay.

..part of the "offer" process is "counter offering" .. most people are just fishing to see what less than your asking price you will take when you offer up "taking offers".

anyhoo .. glws