FS: Warrior's stuff! (Updated! 920+MOBO+RAM+SSD+ MORE!!)

Desperate need of a 6870 or a 550ti? Why don't you step up to the big boy Nvidia 6 series :)

Lol.... BUMP!
6 series is more expensive lol. Might get myself a 7870 for Xmas
it's way worth it :D

Get a 670 and keep a 550ti for PhysX. You'll thank me later. :D
I need the surround vision and nvidia only allows it via 2 exact same cards :/ so unless you want to buy me the other one a 670(I would oh so very dearly appreciate this gesture of kindness very much) is out of the question. I cant game on 1 19 inch monitor lol
the one 6 series card should do that fine. One 6 series card can do 3 monitors now. :D
thats sick, didnt know that. And i just got your stuff in the mail! awesome trader! everything Worked wonderfully (left the RAT at work -_-;)
Right on man. i ship em quick!

I bet you're thinking about getting a 6 series card now ;)
interest in the radiator! Good, its a sick rad. Hope it goes to a great modder.
Bump for needing a sound card now... thought I could do it... but god damn realtek sucks...
shoot me a PM on the price for the old set up, my fiance is Due for a new computer. minus the water cooling stuff, I dont have the cash or experience for it atm :D
Why the fuck would I want those? That's not a deal nor are those cards worth my time...

Anyways.... BUMP!
bump for lookin :)

great deal on that laptop hd.... i might just have to snap it up...
Get it at that price and get a free game below!

Dooooo iiiitttt!!!

Edit: crap early bump. Sry...
Bump. Fuckin low ballers. Damn black Friday and steam deals... guess this stuff will be here for a while. Cause these prices ain't nudging.