FS: Wii for $272 with a catch...

yeah, this is a good thing. kindness over these systems is next to non existent

and wii >>>>>>>>>>> ps3
sabrewolf732 said:
I say you do names out of a hat for people that are legit.


seem to be the ones interested so far. Of course, only after they prove they're legit.

My vote goes to quique55....his daughter's looking pretty mean in that pic. ;) And FWIW, you might want to drop DarkSide50420 from that list. I think he's got enough going to keep him busy over in Tips/Tricks & Trolls. :)
Wow. Bump for you, That is really nice that you're doing this. Keep up the good samaritism! (I don't think that's a word) :p
Sorry for the delayed response but Quique55 posted in my thread and PM'd before anyone else. He even sent me pics of who'll be enjoying the system :).

EDIT: Keep your eyes on the lookout for a *POSSIBLE* "FS: PS3 Premium for $653 with a catch..." thread after the Wii is gone. I will update this thread with pictures of both systems. My heat is also under xSeongminx.
quique55 said:
I fit this description. Have a 6yr old daughter that I spend time with playing Nintendo DS and would love to give Wii a whirl. Pics. Was kinda hoping to use the $150 in CC gift cards i have but cash/PP will also do.


Edit: Come on people put in the good word for me.

Do good looking kids get priority over ugly ones?

If so, my baby bro definitely deserves it more.
Toogie said:
Do good looking kids get priority over ugly ones?

If so, my baby bro definitely deserves it more.

wow, i vote for thinking you are just jealous... (i agree with sabre)

also what a nice way to start off on the forums :rolleyes: :eek:
I'm 24, but I'm still a kid inside.

And my birthday is on Black Friday (24th) :(

:) I hope someone deserving gets it!
i vouch for quique55 also i sold him his ds so him and his daughter could play i still gotta send him the $30 i promised him my roomates never put it in the package. If ya want something done right ya gotta do it yourself
sabrewolf732 said:
I say you do names out of a hat for people that are legit.


seem to be the ones interested so far. Of course, only after they prove they're legit.
I'd recommend you strike DarkSide50420 from the list. He is having issues here with his trading practices. (See the TTT forum.)

And I say whoever gets the Wii should have to post a pic of their kid with it on Christmas day in front of their Christmas tree. :D
I just did a deal recently with quique55 and will vouch that he's a good guy. Here's my Heatware feedback if you want proof of my validity. (And I second Lethal's suggestion that the winning bidder's kid pose with the Wii during Christmas. :D )
Good guy, bump 4 u, also if you didnt get it on launch, i beleive a second wave is coming, but this is still WAAY easier then waiting then!
Hey... I'm a kid that couldn't make it in time for launch.
...19 year old kid in college.

But really, very cool thing you are doing, huge props to you.
Guess I'm going to have to drop out of this contest as I don't have anyone who's bought from me before to back me up. Oh well, don't guess I was really in it anyway. Good luck fellas.
i have six kids currently who would love to play this wii if we could find one in stock but with the crazy lines and all we couldn't manage to get one. any help is appreciated.

I''ll definitely post a pic of her getting it. Thanks for all the votes of confidences here fellas. It definitely means a lot to me.

quique55 said:
I fit this description. Have a 6yr old daughter that I spend time with playing Nintendo DS and would love to give Wii a whirl. Pics. Was kinda hoping to use the $150 in CC gift cards i have but cash/PP will also do.


Edit: Come on people put in the good word for me.

I can vouch for him, known the guy a long time done several trades, good guy.
quique55 said:
I fit this description. Have a 6yr old daughter that I spend time with playing Nintendo DS and would love to give Wii a whirl. Pics. Was kinda hoping to use the $150 in CC gift cards i have but cash/PP will also do.


Edit: Come on people put in the good word for me.

My vote is for Enrique! Any father that puts his daughter in a Cubs hat gets my vote!
finkle said:
Lighten up Peeps.. I'm sure he was joking.... I got a laugh out of it...

bump for a good guy (op)....

haha at least someone has a sense of humor. Enrique obviously doesnt....for this i take one vote away from iglesias....
Believe me, I know that any child would want it, its so fun to be interactive truely with the game. They loved seeing the Tennis game on it when they showed the advertisement.

Sadly, I wont have much of a christmas for my children this year. I've been divorced since Feb 22 05 and was given full custody of my three children, Kassy 6, Gavin 3, and Serenity 1 (who may or may not be my daughter. I wish all those well, And admire then generosity in this Forum. Never have I seen a kind hearted offer as that on such a commodity.
Happy ThanksGiving and Merry Christmas.
fl4wless said:
i would like to buy it form you to resell on ebay. help a poor student out.

thanks. :D

I dont think he was kidding. I think his cause is good. Helping out a poor student make a few bucks, whats wrong with that?
I'd love this for my three younger siblings (3, 4, and 6) that feel like my children :p... I'm 22 and I have people that can vouch for me on here that I've traded with or my heat is mattjbak... i've gone above and beyond on some of the transactions :)... If not me then I'm really happy for whoever gets it!
Steve said:
I was going to just mess all you guys up and tell the OP to send it to me....all of you can vouch for me ;)


Don't wanna scoop our own forum members...that'd be kinda dick-ish. The OP can sell it to me if no one else is deemed worthy.

ok, so the wii's gone but someone's got to say something nice about Steve. Since Kyle's not hear I guess I will ...

+1 for Steve.

He roxxor my boxxor.
And they say there's no decency in the world anymore. I'd like to know who the lucky person is to get a Wii without the shopping hassle.
Well seeing as how I was working my happy ass of when this was posted and just now got done with preparing foods, good time w/ family, and now done cleaning up...... It is truly nice to see something like this happening in such a place. In the time of price gouging (luv ya corporate America) there are "angels" that are out there to help others in situations like this. I wish I could have thrown my name out there and been in for this but then again I can't even afford it. My 4 and 8 y/o just love the PS2 that I got and I am sure that this would teach them more (especially hand eye coordination) but I would only have trades to offer. It will be most pleasing just to see the smile on the little kids face that gets this.

BuMp for a great human being during a giving time.
I am sure this is gone by now but I wish I was online sooner for this. My wife was out of town for the launch and I couldn't take the boys to stand outside in the cold. I have been wanting to get them away from PC gaming since Dora isn't what they are playing now. They also have taken over my computer room so I had to build a system and put it in the dinning room!


Here is the two year old after eating dinner trying to take over the dinning room system. Dora is gone and "The Red Two, Blue Two and Green Two" have taken over. Now it is "The NEW Two" for 2142 that I have to hear about.

The four year old is even worse, he started playing Joint Operations two years ago and now plays 2142 like you are I would. No one even knows they are getting fragged by a four year old!

Anyhow, I just wanted to share my story and tell you that I think it was a cool thing that you did today. Most people would be looking to EBay it for a profit or try and pull something like this asshole here.
I just want to say your a pretty cool dude! I got my wii, and ps3 and the first thing all my friends said "Sell it on Ebay make money" I hate the people that do that especially around christmas. The wii is going to my nephew and the ps3 well thats mine =). But you rule dude! I think your going to have an amazing christmas if karma has anything to do with it!