FT: Pentium 4 2.4C (Broken Pin)


Jan 4, 2004
I've got a p4 2.4c with a Broken Pin on it. The pin is L26, a VSS. It should work if you put another pin in the location of the missing one.


I'd like to get about $85 shipped from this. If you can't get it to work, i'll refund the price.
Okay you have to post a non free web based e-mail and also you are saying in essence the " CPU " = dead cause of broken pin and you don't want to mess with it but if somebody buys it and still can not get it to work you will 100% refund the money * shipping included * ?
The[H]uman said:
Okay you have to post a non free web based e-mail and also you are saying in essence the " CPU " = dead cause of broken pin and you don't want to mess with it but if somebody buys it and still can not get it to work you will 100% refund the money * shipping included * ?
Yeah you need a non-free email and I know I don't want to buy a "broken" CPU for $85.
same here. it's worth about $20 at the most cuz it's keychain material now. it'd probably be cheaper to get a new proc then to get the pin fixed.
why don't you try first whether it works or not...even if it works, i don't think ppl will buy for 85 which no warranty whatsoever..
i think u shook that hornets nest to hard with ur broken cpu!!!!!.who in there right mind would buy that thing,unless they where wearing a football helmet!!!. :D :eek:
guys, if you dont like the price than PM him about it. dont just crap all over his thread.

bump for you i guess.
I can't test it out, I don't have a board with 800FSB.

And there is a warranty, please don't crap a thread.
you dont need a board with 800fsb to test it out, just stick it in an older board and see if it runs.
Rage X said:
you dont need a board with 800fsb to test it out, just stick it in an older board and see if it runs.
I did that, and It does indeed work. 1.2GHz P4 @ 400FSB (My old Dell only supports 400FSB)

My own personal Waranty, not a factory one.
warranties don't cover bent pins. That is failure to install properly by owner.
I'll give you $40 for it.. not thread crapping, I'll have to repair it or send it out.
fusionpit said:
No trades, only cash.

Do Not Lowball or crap my threads >_<
You have got to be kidding. You have the audacity to come in here as a NooB ask $85 for a discontinued CPU with a broken pin (aka, a keychain), make dubious claims about a warranty, and you thought we'd hail you like a returning wear hero? I've seen 2.4C's on eBay with all pins intact for $85. I, for one, offer you one dollar (includes shipping) and I officially crap on this thread. :D
fusionpit said:
No trades, only cash.

Do Not Lowball or crap my threads >_<

You're who again ? I fail to make the connection of your authority with your username.

You should be embarressed with your statement.

You come in here with your 10 month old membership and give demands in a ridiculous thread, to very experienced geeks.

You are something else.
RedShred said:
You're who again ? I fail to make the connection of your authority with your username.

You should be embarressed with your statement.

You come in here with your 10 month old membership and give demands in a ridiculous thread, to very experienced geeks.

You are something else.

I'm probably not alone in being embarrased on his behalf. Beyond that, there is nothing constructive that I could contribute, so I will remain silent.

Bah, i smell a scam. Last person i saw put in bold "dont lowball me" was also selling junk, and both had new accounts. I dont even think he sold it at all. Not to mention he first claims he cant test it, then he says he tested it, and it worked...
uvi said:
Bah, i smell a scam. Last person i saw put in bold "dont lowball me" was also selling junk, and both had new accounts. I dont even think he sold it at all. Not to mention he first claims he cant test it, then he says he tested it, and it worked...

Here here
I, for one, am laughing my butt off over here. Thanks guys, your a hoot.
You guys do realize that there are dummy pins on the CPU. VSS is a ground pin (I believe) and therefore the processor can run without it. It may need to be underclocked, but it isn't a keychain.
fusionpit said:
Lookie here, he finally got to testing it, and left me heatware for it.


Oh, and the reason I told you people not to Lowball/crap? It's the ****ing rules.
Here's my thread crap.
"[font=Arial, Verdana, Helvetica][font=Arial,Verdana,Helvetica][font=Arial,Verdana,Helvetica]the cpu worked perfectly with a small mod" from your heatware. Guy had to mod the cpu, yes you made the person aware of it, but still, very few people are going to do extra work when buying something.
the original post by human was not a thread crap, he was explaining you have to post a non free email, as well, he was asking a question/statement about the deal. Everyone jumped on that bandwagon of course. Fact is, you're a noob, coming in here making demands upon established traders with potentially faulty goods. Don't give off an additude. Be polite, and if you feel someone is threadcrapping inform a mod. Don't act like a little kid complaining.
that guy's a moron.. i would've traded with the guy who offered the 9800se.. hehe