FT Vista ultimate 32b

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Supreme [H]ardness
Jan 8, 2008

Vista Ultimate 32b OEM $75 Shipped!! I will also throw in a free version of Prince of Persia two thrones that i got with my 4870 X2 ):p

I dont have any heat and my ebay is only 23 but its 100% positive (me and my girlfriend use the same account) my ebay is under the same name as here tokey43074

if interested let me know i will make sure i give you my cell number incase of any problems.


product key edited for obvious reasons


i have home premium 32bit and 64bit if you would like that ?
iam currently using the software right now on my computer
but i would like to switch to ultimate 64 bit
is this full retail verison
my verison is upgrade but you can install it as a clean install
Its a 32b OEM i forgot the OEM part in my post which i will update right now, it cant be upgraded to 64bit thats why i am looking for a trade
i am on my way to bed but let me think about it, i wanted to keep the media center and dvd maker, but i could always get another program that does that. let me sleep on it and pm you in the morning.
I'm surprised no one has bought it; $75 for Vista Ultimate is a good deal. You might just put it on Craigslist and/or ebay, get the cash, then go buy a new 64-bit version. I have Vista x3 and using all 3, otherwise I'd trade ya.
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