Fud GT300 News


Feb 16, 2007

Named after a nuclear reactor

The chip that we ended up calling GT300 has internal codename Fermi. The name might suit it well as Enrico Fermi was the chap that came up with the first nuclear reactor.

The new Nvidia chip is taped out and running, and we know that Nvidia showed it to some important people. The chip should be ready for very late 2009 launch. This GPU will also heavily concentrate on parallel computing and it will have bit elements on chip adjusted for this task. Nvidia plans to earn a lot of money because of that.

The chip supports GDDR5 memory, has billions of transistors and it should be bigger and faster than Radeon HD 5870. The GX2 dual version of card is also in the pipes. It's well worth noting that this is the biggest architectural change since G80 times as Nvidia wanted to add a lot of instructions for better parallel computing.

The gaming part is also going to be fast but we won’t know who will end up faster in DirectX 11 games until we see the games. The clocks will be similar or very close to one we've seen at ATI's DirectX 11 card for both GPU and memory but we still don't know enough about shader count and internal structure to draw any performance conclusions.

Of course, the chip supports DirectX 11 and Open GL 3.1
Fud or not.. the actual store pricing of the 5870 X2, when its out, will give a good indication of where AMD expects to lie in the performance battle with the GT300.

I have a feeling the situation will be very similar to the 4870 vs GT260 battle (in this case 5870 vs GT360) ..with the top dog being the GT380
The GX2 dual version of the card is also in the pipes.... :D

Can you say MONSTER card, or what??
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Very interesting, this card is going to be a beast. It might be a repeat from the previous generation. Nvidia having the fastest and more powerful cards, while AMD's cards are cheaper.

I wonder how much power "Fermi" will require. If the name is going to be any indication performance of this card will be awesome.
Fud or not.. the actual store pricing of the 5870 X2, when its out, will give a good indication of where AMD expects to lie in the performance battle with the GT300.

Dont remember exactly where I saw this but supposedly HD 5870x2 will retail for $500 in the USA.

I wonder if we will see the likes of HD 5890 XT or 5890x2 from ATI later on.
Dont remember exactly where I saw this but supposedly HD 5870x2 will retail for $500 in the USA.

I wonder if we will see the likes of HD 5890 XT or 5890x2 from ATI later on.

Everything I had seen had said 600$. I can't imagine them putting the 5870x2 at 25% more than the 5870.
Sounds great, though I'm currently waiting for whenever the NDA for the 5850 dissapears, so etailers will actually start stocking it!
I just hope it does not need nuclear reactor as power source :D
But, DX11 why? I recall nVidia telling us that DX11 is useless gimnick, that has no real value for gamers :D What really worries me is that card will be bigger then 5870... I wonder if it will fit my case, or will I have to ghettomod it

But, with all the influence being put on pararell computing and CUDA, I think I'll go for Ati. All I want is something that will get most FPS in games, I don't care about CUDA and how it can help me.... for work I need word processor, and a java application, and my CPU should handle photo editing. If the CUDA/PhysX means that I'll have to pay extra for it, while getting same performance then 5870, then I won't have any regrets leaving green team.
Everything I had seen had said 600$. I can't imagine them putting the 5870x2 at 25% more than the 5870.

Yeah I was a bit suprised too. I havent seen any official ATI statements regarding 5870x2 pricing but it was usually in the $549-$649 range. Also I dont think anyone besides ATI insiders and ATI officials knows whether there is going to be 2Gb/4Gb versions or whether 4Gb is going to become the default standard for ultra enthusiast cards.

Let's see if I can find it, it was either on ocn or xs.
The BELOW $500 figure does seem a bit out of whack with the current pricing scenario

they may well be assuming that they will have to do a large price drop when the GTX300 come out. If Nvidia and ATI are fighting for the top end (ATI is rumored to have issues with the X2 card due to power consumption, Nvidia is likely to be worse given the size for the chip). its likely to get very cut throat. right now ATI has a grace time until Nvidia catches up.

:D here is to hoping for a price war
Ok found it.


Yes, source is fud.

According to several AIB partner sources, the Radeon HD 5870 X2 is expected to launch at less than $500.

I'm not really sure how AMD ran and figured the math on this one...but this means that HD 5870 will probably drop under $300 when 5870x2 is out. For most of 09 HD 4870x2 retailed for less the $400 on newegg and several other etailers before it OOSd so I guess AMD has plenty of room to lower prices and still make a profit.
If Nvidia and ATI are fighting for the top end (ATI is rumored to have issues with the X2 card due to power consumption..

Looking at it with the over-the-top power draw in mind it actually put things in context for a BELOW $500 X2. It will in all probability have down clocked cores / mem to stay within a pre-determined power envelope.
The BELOW $500 figure does seem a bit out of whack with the current pricing scenario

I just don't see them being able to make a 5870 chip + 1GB GDDR5 plus all the other crap for under 100$. Especially not a cash strapped company like AMD/ATI is lately.
I just don't see them being able to make a 5870 chip + 1GB GDDR5 plus all the other crap for under 100$. Especially not a cash strapped company like AMD/ATI is lately.

Under current pricing I agree, but under the rumoured $299 (5870) price, $499 seemed plausible. There must have been something in the literature that went out with the samples to reviewers, as Hardware Canucks wasn't the only one mentioning that pricepoint in their initial review
5870s are $380 so I see 5870 x2 for $550 When 4870 was $250 the 4870x2 was $450
I just hope it does not need nuclear reactor as power source :D
But, DX11 why? I recall nVidia telling us that DX11 is useless gimnick, that has no real value for gamers :D What really worries me is that card will be bigger then 5870... I wonder if it will fit my case, or will I have to ghettomod it

But, with all the influence being put on pararell computing and CUDA, I think I'll go for Ati. All I want is something that will get most FPS in games, I don't care about CUDA and how it can help me.... for work I need word processor, and a java application, and my CPU should handle photo editing. If the CUDA/PhysX means that I'll have to pay extra for it, while getting same performance then 5870, then I won't have any regrets leaving green team.

Where did NVIDIA say that DX11 is "a useless gimmick"?

I didnt think there was a lot of value in CUDA until I started converting my movie collection down to a size for my Iphone/netbook. I can do 2x as much and play games at the same time. But I do understand your concern.
5870s are $380 so I see 5870 x2 for $550 When 4870 was $250 the 4870x2 was $450

Umm... if you do the deduction 250*2 = 500, 500-450 = 50$. 380*2=760 - 50 = 710$. If you say percentage, 450/250*380 = 684$. How the hell do you get 5870x2 = 550?
Even if his math makes no sense, there's no way ATI will price the 5870X2 at $684. I'm thinking $550 is a good guesstimate at this point in time.
Even if his math makes no sense, there's no way ATI will price the 5870X2 at $684. I'm thinking $550 is a good guesstimate at this point in time.

I would be very surpised if it was 550 or under. All the rumors pointed to 400$ for the 5870 and it launched at 380-400. Those same rumors said 600 for the 5870x2. Thinking 500 or even 550 is just wishful thinking unless Nvidia has a really strong contender.
Logic? What the heck is that?

Anyway some other sites stated that Club32 leaked a 5870x2 page for 677 Euros. Page got removed later on.
I have no idea why I'm a bit biased, but I hope the Nvidia card curb stomps the Ati cards.

Seriously, no idea why I feel this way. In fact, my first 'gamer" card was 9700 Pro and I really liked it.

\needs help
\\I think
Under current pricing I agree, but under the rumoured $299 (5870) price, $499 seemed plausible. There must have been something in the literature that went out with the samples to reviewers, as Hardware Canucks wasn't the only one mentioning that pricepoint in their initial review
It might have been disinformation. That being said, I do anticipate that the 5870 will reach the $299 price point (or very close to it) in short measure.

Where did NVIDIA say that DX11 is "a useless gimmick"?
They've been downplaying it a bit recently because their current generation cards don't support it, and the GTX series is still an important product line for them (at this time). This is pretty typical: if NVIDIA/ATi don't support something, they simply downplay it. As soon they have hardware to support it, it becomes The Next Big Thing.

It better supports 3.2 too considering it's been out for a while now :)
For all those kickass OpenGL games we play :p

I have no idea why I'm a bit biased, but I hope the Nvidia card curb stomps the Ati cards.
It probably boils down to you liking the color green more than you do the color red. Because, honestly, all of these cards are starting to become extremely similar. GT300 might have some extra compute power, but it's going to look and behave pretty much exactly like the 5870. It'll be faster, sure, and more expensive, probably, but there won't be much of a meaningful difference otherwise. Nothing to get worked up about, anyway.

This is going to be a one of those generations where you buy a card because you like the control panel better or because the cooler doesn't look like the Batmobile (or because the cooler does look like the Batmobile).
But, DX11 why? I recall nVidia telling us that DX11 is useless gimnick, that has no real value for gamers :D

Unless it both statements came out of engineers mouths I'd give them equal credit: 0.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least if, never mind the same marketing droid, never mind the same statement, but if a as a single sentence an nv marketing droid stated "DX11 is junk so don't waste your money on a 5870 now, the GT300's DX11 performance will be a zillion times faster when you can buy it real soon now so it's the card you want to save your money for."

First, most marketing types don't have any sort of engineering, generic technical, or even gaming backgrounds that would allow them to utter intelligent statements. Second even if they did have a clue the job description of marketing can be summed up as Paid Liar. :rolleyes:
Everything I had seen had said 600$. I can't imagine them putting the 5870x2 at 25% more than the 5870.

europe it will be 600 dollars and up if you include VAT taxes.. US its rumored to be between 500-550 dollars.. but thats really going to depend on how late nvidia is with the GT300 cards..
For all those kickass OpenGL games we play :p

Well, my company's internal game engine is based on OpenGL, so we'd like to see the best OpenGL support by GPU manufacturers possible. NVidia has been a dream so far, whereas ATi/AMD has been almost a joke. I just hope that NVidia continues its excellent OpenGL support and introduction of useful extensions :)

Also, having up-to-date OpenGL support will help nVidia with the next round of console GPU bids as OpenGL ES is pretty much the entire market there. DX11 truly is irrelevant outside x86 Windows. So yes, people play a lot of OpenGL-based games since consoles and portables are so commonly used for games ;)
Also, having up-to-date OpenGL support will help nVidia with the next round of console GPU bids as OpenGL ES is pretty much the entire market there. DX11 truly is irrelevant outside x86 Windows. So yes, people play a lot of OpenGL-based games since consoles and portables are so commonly used for games ;)

Eh, not quite. The only console which uses OpenGL ES is the PS3 and even then it's a heavily customized version.
Eh, not quite. The only console which uses OpenGL ES is the PS3 and even then it's a heavily customized version.

OpenGL ES is used by the PS3, Wii, DS(i), PSP. X360 uses a custom, somewhat DX-ish API, not sure about OGL ES support.
OpenGL ES is used by the PS3, Wii, DS(i), PSP. X360 uses a custom, somewhat DX-ish API, not sure about OGL ES support.

Ah yes, forgot about portables. Even so, if ATI had horrible OGL support, why would Nintendo use em for 2 separate console generations?

(not trying to derail, just curious)