Fugitive's Facebook Info Leads to Arrest

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Here’s a tip for you…if you are on the run from the law, it is a pretty bad idea to update your employment information on Facebook and MySpace.

Police in western New York say a fugitive all but turned himself in by posting his workplace on Facebook and MySpace. Police in Lockport passed along the information about 39-year-old Christopher Crego to U.S. marshals. He was arrested Wednesday at a tattoo parlor where he was working in Terre Haute, Indiana.
I love that the cops posted on his facebook after too....haha people never cease to amaze me.
I love that the cops posted on his facebook after too....haha people never cease to amaze me.

Yeah, nice to see the sense of humor. Can you imagine the people who were his friends reading it?
Wasn't there some story of a guy breaking into a house and checking his facebook and then forgetting to log out, and he got caught? Facebook, meet chicks and fight crime, I like it.
Interesting, nothing about this in Lockport's paper yet, but hey my favorite website breaks the news first. BTW Lockport- not known for it's brilliant minds, more for the large number
of people on welfare and drug problems.
Why do people make there profile public? All you gotta do it make it friends only and end of problem geez.....
lulz at the guy on the run from the law even having a facebook account let alone updating it with True stuff. He should have said he was in Argentina with Hitler smokin' a blount.

A friend of mine asked me if I had a Facebook account and I told him no. He then asked why not to which I replied because I'm 41 for Christ's sake. (He's 42) At this age, I could be a blogger. :D
Yeah, Lockport needs all the help it can get. Hey, at least WNY was reported on and not lumped into either being Buffalo or Rochester.