Fun HD issue - pauses at times


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 14, 2000
The drives seems to work, but I'll toss this out to see if anyone's seen it before.

My seagate 400gig drive sometimes pauses when I access it (usually by double clicking one of the drive letters that's on it in My Comp.). During the pause the computer is perfectly usable, except for anything stored on that drive. Also, the drive in-use light is steady on. After 5-8 seconds, it comes back and is fine.

I should mention that I don't recall it doing this until I added the seagate 300gig drive on the same cable. Also, the 300 gig drive does this sometimes, but less frequently.

Tried swapping the IDE cable, made sure one was "master" and one was "slave". Shouldn't be overheating, they're right in front of my intake fan. Ideas?
Could be a dying drive, but based on your description it sounds more like a problem with the machine talking to the drive. Either issue can cause errors, and the resulting retries, resets, etc. can cause pauses.
Have you looked at the event logs to see if there are any drive related messages in there?
zandor said:
Have you looked at the event logs to see if there are any drive related messages in there?

oh em gee. I completely forgot about that... Thanks for reminding me, I'll check those asap.

Yeah, I'm fairly sure the drives aren't dying, it does seem like a communications issue. I was also thinking of ponying up the $$$ for an IDE/SATA PCI card and using that, since I've also maxed out my IDE and SATA ports on my mobo. May solve 2 issues at once.