Further aggressive pricing from D2D


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 3, 2007
Thirty days of deals - only one deal per day.
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Yep. Gamersgate just had 30 days of deals too. I picked up Disciples 2 Gold for something like $2.
I need to see more of the likes of this from Steam on a consistent basis, amazing seasonal sales notwithstanding.
I need to see more of the likes of this from Steam on a consistent basis, amazing seasonal sales notwithstanding.

Im actually getting worried that steam is getting popular to the point that the deals won't be as big and come less frequently. There were several games onsale this christmas for less than they were on sale for the year before.

Dammit gonna cave and get medal of honor. Really wanted it on steam. Steam is a blessing a curse. It's nice to have a good managed library of games but I'm annoyed at the randomness of integration.
Im actually getting worried that steam is getting popular to the point that the deals won't be as big and come less frequently. There were several games onsale this christmas for less than they were on sale for the year before.

Just this year alone, on day one, I bought Dead Space 2, Dragon Age 2, Shogun 2, and Test Drive Unlimited 2, each for ten dollars less than what I would have paid at Steam - that amounts to a brand new title for free. More and more, Steam just isn't a smart option. I like Steam... but not that much.
Well, the steamworks games can just be imported to steam no matter where you get them. I still buy some games from D2D, Impulse and +++++++. Well, may have to re-think my impulse purchases now that gamestop is involved...
Well, the steamworks games can just be imported to steam no matter where you get them.

Which is why it's baffling that anybody would buy a game like Shogun 2 from Steam. There were multiple opportunities to pre-order it for ten dollars less via D2D. I didn't even download from D2D. They sent me my product key and I entered it at Steam and downloaded from them.
I've noticed the 20% sales on D2D seem to make it cheaper for new titles and preorders than Steam, and generally anywhere else now.
Sweet! I just picked up Medal of Honor for $6. The single player campaign should be worth it. :D
Which is why it's baffling that anybody would buy a game like Shogun 2 from Steam. There were multiple opportunities to pre-order it for ten dollars less via D2D. I didn't even download from D2D. They sent me my product key and I entered it at Steam and downloaded from them.

I did! But, I got the Total War pack, all the games for like $65 or something. It was well worth it.

Regardless, I'll be watching these D2D sales, but I won't buy anything that can't be put into Steam.
Just the other night I finished Singularity, which I have a hunch will be one of the deals.

I would easily recommend it for $7. Just don't go overboard trying to critique it. It's just a fun FPS that has time manipulation events. It's nothing special, but it's one of the better lesser titles, if you understand my meaning.
Sweet! I just picked up Medal of Honor for $6. The single player campaign should be worth it. :D

Fair bit of warning, I got it on a sale a while ago (I think it was 10 bucks) just to play through the single player as well. I had tried out the SP on a friends 360 and it seemed "ok", so I figured for 10 bucks, why not. Then I loaded it up. Not the best looking game, and the scripted elements felt sloppy... but I could look past that for $10. However, the FOV is locked at 55. No way to change it. At all. Killed it right there for me. Couldn't play it for more than a few minutes without developing a headache. Haven't touched it since.

Sadly, I'm thinking of either playing it in windowed mode or with a controller sitting back a few feet to try and negate the shitty FOV. Why they would lock it to such a low level on PC is ridiculous to me. Guess I should have checked for this before purchasing, since I knew DICE didn't handle the single player. Live and learn.

As for D2D and their sales, I've tried to make 3 purchases from them. The first time, their verification system wouldn't re-direct me when using chrome, so after 3 tries at verification, they locked out my Paypal. I submitted a ticket to Customer service, but they didn't get back to me before the sale was over (they had 2 days), so I just canceled the whole thing. The second time I just used a credit card and everything went through fine. The third time was actually IGN, but it's all run through the same service, so same thing. Again, I tried to use my paypal, but it was still locked from the previous purchase attempt. Submitted a request for help to customer service, didn't hear back from them for another 2 days (again, sale had ended), and canceled again.

So yeah. Not a great experience with D2D/IGN so far. Worked fine when I used a credit card, but they don't seem to like Paypal purchases, or resolving payment issues before the sale ends. I'm probably going to steer clear of D2D for the foreseeable future, and wait for deals to pop up on Steam, Impulse, Gamers Gate, EA Store etc.
Just the other night I finished Singularity, which I have a hunch will be one of the deals.

I would easily recommend it for $7. Just don't go overboard trying to critique it. It's just a fun FPS that has time manipulation events. It's nothing special, but it's one of the better lesser titles, if you understand my meaning.

I really ended up liking this game a LOT and I paid more than $7 for it.
Bummer I just moved to a new state where D2D taxes. Or are they taxing everyone? Still got the Witcher 2 preorder 20% on D2D.
picked up MOH for 6$ and played singleplayer last night for about an hour. so far i'm liking it (considering the cost). it would be nice to increase the FOV but my eyes can adjust. i had to manually lower the mouse sensitivity in a cfg file but no biggie.

as far as gameplay, it's been fun so far. i like the damage model for the most part but wish my character could be dropped quicker (playing on medium difficulty...perhaps i should have chosen hard). the damage model feels somewhere between ARMA and COD, but for this game i think swinging further towards ARMA would have been the way to go. i was running around burst-firing my M4 and just generally having a good time laying down cover fire etc. and noticed i only had 23 rounds left. knowing i was about to run out of ammo, with several enemies in front of me, really added to the suspense. i flipped to single-shot and started aiming for heads. got down to 5 rounds left and really started enjoying the suspense. then....i realized i could 'ask' my teammates for ammo. in the flick of a quick animation of him giving me a single mag i was suddenly restocked with 300 rounds. that was disappointing...why not have him give me 30 rounds and then deny me the next time i went pilfering for ammo? as it stands, i see no reason to ever pick up an enemy rifle. i'll just ask my walking ammo-crate teammates. that's my only gripe so far, and i suppose not a big deal. other than that, $6 well spent. having fun with it.
Fair bit of warning, I got it on a sale a while ago (I think it was 10 bucks) just to play through the single player as well. I had tried out the SP on a friends 360 and it seemed "ok", so I figured for 10 bucks, why not. Then I loaded it up. Not the best looking game, and the scripted elements felt sloppy... but I could look past that for $10. However, the FOV is locked at 55. No way to change it. At all. Killed it right there for me. Couldn't play it for more than a few minutes without developing a headache. Haven't touched it since.


No one was even able to make some kind of external app or anything to fix that? Of course then again, I can imagine no one felt it was worth the effort.

Sadly, I'm thinking of either playing it in windowed mode or with a controller sitting back a few feet to try and negate the shitty FOV. Why they would lock it to such a low level on PC is ridiculous to me. Guess I should have checked for this before purchasing, since I knew DICE didn't handle the single player. Live and learn.

That's sad. I still remember breaking my teeth into PC gaming on Allied Assault. Hell, I'm tempted to visit that again for old time's sake. Even Airborne was solid and overlooked. I can recommend that game to people easily.

It's sad what's happened to this series. It was one of my favorites.

As for D2D and their sales, I've tried to make 3 purchases from them. The first time, their verification system wouldn't re-direct me when using chrome, so after 3 tries at verification, they locked out my Paypal. I submitted a ticket to Customer service, but they didn't get back to me before the sale was over (they had 2 days), so I just canceled the whole thing. The second time I just used a credit card and everything went through fine. The third time was actually IGN, but it's all run through the same service, so same thing. Again, I tried to use my paypal, but it was still locked from the previous purchase attempt. Submitted a request for help to customer service, didn't hear back from them for another 2 days (again, sale had ended), and canceled again.

So yeah. Not a great experience with D2D/IGN so far. Worked fine when I used a credit card, but they don't seem to like Paypal purchases, or resolving payment issues before the sale ends. I'm probably going to steer clear of D2D for the foreseeable future, and wait for deals to pop up on Steam, Impulse, Gamers Gate, EA Store etc.

I've seen feedback like this out there and I just haven't had the nerve to try them out myself yet although I can't deny they've been kicking Steam's ass on offering more deals on a consistent basis, at least as of late.
That's sad. I still remember breaking my teeth into PC gaming on Allied Assault. Hell, I'm tempted to visit that again for old time's sake. Even Airborne was solid and overlooked. I can recommend that game to people easily.

It's sad what's happened to this series. It was one of my favorites.

I've replayed the beach assault innumerable times. Honest to god the most amazing portrayal I've ever played in my life. I remember my friends were over watching me play and jumped out of their seats when the you hit the beach. Just insanity.

I will say the first Call of duty Russian campaign beginning was pretty cool too, but didn't quite match it..
I've replayed the beach assault innumerable times. Honest to god the most amazing portrayal I've ever played in my life. I remember my friends were over watching me play and jumped out of their seats when the you hit the beach. Just insanity.

I remember my late father coming in and watching that and he was a 'Nam era person but a WWII buff and it really blew him away. He was very impressed. He couldn't believe it was a videogame.

I will say the first Call of duty Russian campaign beginning was pretty cool too, but didn't quite match it..

Yup. :)
With the addition of their latest sales, I'm building more & more D2D games. Just like my impulse buys I just link them with Steam no biggy.

No trouble with paypal for me with them, had an account for a couple years I guess.
I hadn't planned on doing this, but I guess I have to update the first post now. Not a bad start to this sale. If they can sustain this by offering one big title each day then it could be a really great sale.

That said, who doesn't have Bad Company 2 yet?
Can anyone confirm that D2D is tied to a gamespy account? I signed up for an account and it said my email address was already in use. I went ahead and reset the password and had to verify the email, which worked.

I haven't used gamespy in years, so I was just wondering if this is legit.

EDIT: looks like it is. :)
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Can anyone confirm that D2D is tied to a gamespy account? I signed up for an account and it said my email address was already in use. I went ahead and reset the password and had to verify the email, which worked.

I haven't used gamespy in years, so I was just wondering if this is legit.

EDIT: looks like it is. :)

yeah when i sign in with my email address, it loads an additional page that shows 5 different "user names" that i've used over the years. i wasn't sure if it was tied to gamespy, EA account, or any of the other BS accounts i've been forced to create over years of gaming. either way my purchasing process with D2D was painless. i'll be keeping an eye on this 30 Days of Sales event.
D2D is an excellent service. No third party software or anything. And right now, anyhow, they're consistently underpricing Steam.
D2D is an excellent service. No third party software or anything. And right now, anyhow, they're consistently underpricing Steam.
Yeah. I've bought a few games from them for this very reason. So far, I'm enjoying the service.
I have bought quite a few games from D2D due to their very good pricing, nearly $10 off on all the new games I have bought. DA2, Brink, Witcher 2, Crysis 2, Homefront. I have had no problems with their checkout service. I have not bought anything from Steam for a while now.
Today's deal is C&C4 for 5 bucks... i heard awful things about it... anyone think its worth 5 for a playthrough?
[L]imey;1037066792 said:
Today's deal is C&C4 for 5 bucks... i heard awful things about it... anyone think its worth 5 for a playthrough?

its red alert 3 and C&C 4 combined.
Two or three years ago, when sales like this at the digital sites were first happening, I would have jumped all over a five dollar title - sometimes just to see if it was as bad as rumored, or maybe In the hope that I would actually like it.

But now, it's not just a question of money, it's a question of time. I've spent literally twenty minutes on Shogun 2 which I bought on day one.

Still, it looks like this sale is geared towards the bigger titles so maybe there will be something I don't have... Bulletstorm, please.
I'm really hoping to see Bulletstorm and/or Assassins Creed, but at the same time I don't cause I really want all my games on steam :( Damn D2D
I took a look at IGN's video review of Command and Conquer 4 - they didn't trash it, and it actually looked pretty good.

If I were even remotely interested in real time strategy games then I would have bought it, but that genre is about the only one I can't cope with. I tried so hard to like Company of Heroes, but it was just too fast for me, and invariably I'd end up with units scattered all over the place doing nothing. Starcraft 2 - forget about it. I felt so left out when that title was released.

It is a shame because for five dollars, that's like stepping up to an arcade machine and pumping in a few dollars while you wait for your friends to get their shit together.
It's a bit late in the day for this, but The Witcher is on sale right now.

A lot of people like this title, and of course with The Witcher 2 about to be released, now might be a good time to pick this up if you haven't already.

See the first post for the link.