FX-53 and my X800Pro 27230 3dmarks and 11307 3dmark03 on first run


Feb 21, 2003
boy if x800 pro is crappy.. I wonder what my 9800pro is?

But those are nice scores and overclocks... wish I had that kind of cash ;)
I got my X800XT/PE today in the mail but I haven't installed...but wait Marcdaddy, I will OWN YOU!!:)
ThisMonsterLives said:
nice how you claim the X800 Pro is "crappy"

His opinion, if he thinks it sucks then it does...your opinion may be different..doesnt mean hes wrong.

Nice setup you got there tho man :)
Ill have my FX-53 next week or so :)
But im still missing parts...new top for my S-TDX and a couple other things..but im excited as all hell !
Burning Grave you cant compare that score with mine fully, his setup is different id like to throw in a GT card and run it at the same cpu setup to really make the true call, but none of this will matter when my X800XT shows up, i also pre-ordered a 6800Ultra too lol, i want to really see whats best hopefully they will all show up within the next week cuz im on vacation.
Just 2k more than my 3400+ and X800 Pro, both stock in 2001. I would have expected it to be much higher.
Post a link Fallguy id like to see it, im only getting about 2500K more then my 9800XT card. ill find a link to compare them.
burningrave101 said:
Sorry if i sound like a Troll for saying this but.......most people are getting well over 11,000 in 3DMar03 with their 6800 GT's @ stock using lower end CPU's then an FX-53.

Here are some examples:




3DMark scores dont really mean much though. Its actual game performance that matters and X800Pro's hold their own usually against a 6800GT when AA + AF is enabled.

Gah.....i dont really mind saying this, but....


the only saving grace of that post is the last sentence. yes tis true that 3DM03 is virtually useless and games is where its at when i consider a new card.

anyway, nice scores there. its still interesting and intriguing to see what scores can be squeezed out of those two suites of benchmarking. nice job.

im kinda lost as to where you get off on calling an X800Pro "crappy" tho :confused:
Marcdaddy said:
Burning Grave you cant compare that score with mine fully, his setup is different id like to throw in a GT card and run it at the same cpu setup to really make the true call, but none of this will matter when my X800XT shows up, i also pre-ordered a 6800Ultra too lol, i want to really see whats best hopefully they will all show up within the next week cuz im on vacation.

You gotta promise right now once that 6800 U and 800XT come in you will post benchs of BOTH cards in the same games at the SAME SETTINGS no pussy footing around if you can use the ingame FPS counter and make notes while running FRAPS in the background...since I know FRAPS doesnt read the correct FPS in certain games (morrowind comes to mind) but please if you can perhaps this will shut up some people who like to speculate about what is what and what does what. That would be sooo friggin appreciated man !
Marcdaddy said:
Post a link Fallguy id like to see it, im only getting about 2500K more then my 9800XT card. ill find a link to compare them.

My main rig is on my work bench right now.. making a custon shroud for my radiator, bringing air in from the top two 80mm's. Waiting for the sealant to dry, 12 hour cure time. :(

edit, Im fairly positive it was 24.8k, so a little more than 2k less than you. About 2400 less.
I love the competition between Nvidia and Ati it will just bring higher quality products to the market place. I will always take graphic quality over a couple of frames per second, ill re-install UT 2004 and run the benchmarks and post the scores.
B1zz said:
Gah.....i dont really mind saying this, but....


the only saving grace of that post is the last sentence. yes tis true that 3DM03 is virtually useless and games is where its at when i consider a new card.

anyway, nice scores there. its still interesting and intriguing to see what scores can be squeezed out of those two suites of benchmarking. nice job.

im kinda lost as to where you get off on calling an X800Pro "crappy" tho :confused:

Well i was just posting some facts in case anyone was wondering what kinds of scores people were getting with the 6800 GT's.

And i dont feel like much of a troll for doing it ither considering all the nVidia bashing ATI users have been doing in 6800 threads lately.

This is the main part of the video cards forum. If you dont want nVidia users posting in your thread then try the ATI Flavor section :).
Considering the GT has 16 pipelines it damn better score more 3DMarks.

The X800 Pro is a good card. I had one for a week but I run at 1600x1200 so I wanted the XT.
ThisMonsterLives said:
Considering the GT has 16 pipelines it damn better score more 3DMarks.

Considering they cost the same exact price, $399, they should be compared on the same level.

The X800 Pro is a good card. I had one for a week but I run at 1600x1200 so I wanted the XT.

Agreed its a good card, and wouldn't want to crap on this guys thread.

Kind of ironic tho, oozish picked up a 6800GT today and scored 11391 3dmarks with a P4 2.4ghz OC'd to 3.1ghz and the 6800GT at stock speeds, beating out Marc's FX53/OC'd x800PRO setup:

Marc's X800PRO is definitely holding back his CPU, will be interesting to see his 6800U/x800xt results.
Visable-assassin said:
You gotta promise right now once that 6800 U and 800XT come in you will post benchs of BOTH cards in the same games at the SAME SETTINGS no pussy footing around if you can use the ingame FPS counter and make notes while running FRAPS in the background...since I know FRAPS doesnt read the correct FPS in certain games (morrowind comes to mind) but please if you can perhaps this will shut up some people who like to speculate about what is what and what does what. That would be sooo friggin appreciated man !

Because there arent any reviews that do the same thing already?
tranCendenZ said:
Considering they cost the same exact price, $399, they should be compared on the same level.

Sure they have the same retail price, maybe that is a mistake on ATI's part or just a smart move by Nvidia, but the GT still has a hardware advantage so it should get a higher score.

If the real world performance of the GT is as solid as the benchmark numbers it is certainly a better value than the Pro. I have never used a GT so I can't comment on how it feels to
play games with one.
ThisMonsterLives said:
Considering the GT has 16 pipelines it damn better score more 3DMarks.


The X800Pro may only be 12 pipelines but its running at 475Mhz core compared to the GT at 350Mhz core.

Pro 12x475 = 5700 MTexels/s
GT 16x350 = 5600 MTexels/s

The GT has a slight memory bandwidth advantage though.

Pro 30.4 GB/s
GT 32.0 GB/s

And here is a new GT vs Pro review at HotHardware.


Benchmark Summary: When using the SM 3.0 path, the 12-pipe GeForce 6800 was able to outperform a 12-pipe Radeon X800 Pro in only two, lower-resolution tests with AA and Anisotropic filtering disabled. When AA and Aniso were enabled, the X800 Pro outpaced the 6800 across the board. The GeForce 6800 GT, however, beat the Radeon X800 Pro in all of the default tests, as well as when 4X AA was enabled. It was only when anti-aliasing and Anisotropic filtering were enabled concurrently that the X800 Pro was able to score a few victories over the GT.

The FarCry v1.2 patch is somewhat of a milestone for NVIDIA. When DirectX 9.0c "ships", FarCry, when patched to v1.2, will be the first readily available game to take advantage of the GeForce 6 series Shader Model 3.0 capabilities. And although image quality is generally unaffected by the SM 3.0 in FarCry, the performance gains associated with using the SM 3.0 path are significant. If the types of performance gains we've seen here today are typical, more game developers may begin to use SM 3.0 to give their projects a boost. If this happens quickly, NVIDIA's GeForce 6 series may overtake ATi's X800's in more and more games, putting NVIDIA in a much more comfortable position.
ThisMonsterLives said:
I was under the impression that a number of the GTs and Ultras have recieved clock speed increases.

Depends on the brand.

Most GTs are 350/1000, though BFGs are 370/1000.

With Ultras, about half are 425+/1100+, and half are 400/1100.

Anyway, until the x800pro's MSRP drops, it should most definitely be put up against the 6800GT because it costs the same.

i.e. The 5900 was compared to the 9800 even though the 5900 had a 4x2 pipeline versus the 9800's 8x1, because they both cost the same.

Thread is getting sidetracked :/
It seems like that the Nvidia cards only beat out the Ati cards if your playing Farcry lol, and that guy who scored higher then me was running at 260Fsb i gotta flash the bios back and enable my agp/pci lock and crank it up but im getting to tired.
Marcdaddy said:
It seems like that the Nvidia cards only beat out the Ati cards if your playing Farcry lol, and that guy who scored higher then me was running at 260Fsb i gotta flash the bios back and enable my agp/pci lock and crank it up but im getting to tired.

Heh, not really. The #1 card on the 3dmark03 hall of fame is a 6800U with 17117 3dmarks, using Futuremark approved drivers.

In fact, the 6800U is the only card that has gotten over 17k 3dmarks.



Obviously you have a dope setup, but that x800pro looks like its really holding ya back :) Would like to see your score with a 6800U... Maybe you could get on the Hall of Fame :)
It sure will be nice when all this x800 vs. 6800 crap blows over... Nice rig though marcdaddy! SLI cometh... Maybe that will settle the convolution of almost every VC thread, but no, wait... SLI will cost too much :rolleyes:
RAutrey said:
It sure will be nice when all this x800 vs. 6800 crap blows over... Nice rig though marcdaddy! SLI cometh... Maybe that will settle the convolution of almost every VC thread, but no, wait... SLI will cost too much :rolleyes:

Heh there was some talk on one of the other forums that the dual 6800U sli scored over 21k in 3dmark03 even in its alpha form. Might be BS, but I wouldn't be surprised when 6800Us score in the 13k range stock on a fast cpu. Good stuff :)
Ya i know i cant wait for my 6800U that will probably show up before the X800XT the only reason why i bought the 800Pro because i was bored and sick of waiting and im on vacation ,so i got time to move everything into the Vapchill but i gotta take out my 2700XP setup thats been in there for awhile, id like to see how far my cpu can stretch its legs in there. But i got 4 killer systems now for gaming lol, im thinking of buying a windowless air conditioner for my room cuz my central air aint keeping up with the room being so hot when all of them are on, i do have a 9800XT and a 9800Pro laying on the floor i need to sell, maybe ill just go buy a 6800GT tomorrow and see what all the hype is about that nice little card lol. Too many things to do i need to drink about 4 more red bulls.
I cant wait to see what that card will do in my machine, it would be nice to implement both video cards strengths and get rid of the weaknesses and make onr super card, thats just a dream i was having
burningrave101 said:
Sorry if i sound like a Troll for saying this but.......most people are getting well over 11,000 in 3DMar03 with their 6800 GT's @ stock using lower end CPU's then an FX-53.

Here are some examples:




3DMark scores dont really mean much though. Its actual game performance that matters and X800Pro's hold their own usually against a 6800GT when AA + AF is enabled.

Considering the source, no wonder nVidia does well. :rolleyes:
Great job mackdaddy ;) And dont worry about our resident (NVIDIA TROLL=BURNING NVIDIA ASSLICKING GRAVE) He loves posting shit about cards he dont even own yet :rolleyes:
They overclock very well the X800Pro, And people are getting extremely good results with them over at FM ;)
Have you tried the Cat4.7's yet?

AND FOR ALL THE 6800GT pimpers, IF you are so comfident That the 6800GT flogs an X800Pro, then i see a few of you that are costantly dribbling this currently own one? so put your money where your mouth is and post your scores showing it beating the X800Pro to a pulp?NOT ANANDTECH REVIEWS! YOUR CURRENT BENCHIES?
burningrave101 said:
Sorry if i sound like a Troll.......

You're not sorry and you are a troll. I'm really starting to dislike you and your constant Nvidia pimping. Do you have nothing better to do than argue with other people about video cards all day?