FX-55 vs 939 Dual Cores?


Jun 24, 2004
I've got an FX-55 chip in my rig, right now. I was considering upgrading to a dual core 939 chip. I'm looking for a cheap boost in performance and I don't want to have to go with a whole new motherboard, ram, and everything to go to AM2. How high up the scale am I going to have to go to get performance equal to what I've got on the FX-55? It's a 2.4ghz chip, and the 4800+ is the only X2 on the egg to match the clock speed (is that the fastest x2?). There are some Opterons that I've found that match and exceed 2.4, but they're a good bit more pricey. Anybody got any advice?
Depends on if you want to overclock or not. Most x2's will overclock just fine. I got mine at the egg for $60 ~ free shipping.
most of them do OC pretty well, but i guess i am the unlucky one. my FX-55 wont do 3GHz+. and my previous 165 wont do anything higher than 2.6GHz, it's all random :( since it's so cheap right now, just get one and OC the hell out of it, if it didnt OC well enough for you, sell it off ebay cheap and get one more ;)
It's not really luck since there are things you can do to increase the odds of getting a good overclocker. I read reviews and found that most x2 3800's will hit 2.5-2.7Ghz no problem. Then I researched the chip I was going to buy and I found that the max overclock for this particular stepping is more than 3.2Ghz and that several people have hit 3Ghz. Although this doesn't guarantee a good overclock it does increase your odds.