Fx 5700 ultra


Jan 25, 2007
I needed a 3d card for my backup pc, and since evga had a b-stock sale, I picked up a 5700 ultra for 20$.

The problem is, its horrible at doing pretty much anything besides web browsing.

I wasn't expecting miracles when i bought it, but i should at least be able to handle source, right ?

I also overclocked it, just to try and give it a little more power.

Regardless, it gets a max of 25 fps in counterstrike source, all the lowest settings, no aa and 640x480. It looks absolutely horrible and it still lags.

Its paired with an athlon xp 1700+ and 1.5gb ram. I have installed multiple drivers, from the latest ones to some older versions and nothing has worked. Putting the game in dx7 mode helps a tiny bit, but nothing really noticeable.

Any ideas or Suggestions
I had a 5600u and it played though halflife2 in dx8 at max settings 1024x768

the 5700u is a better card. You should be getting better results

are you using vista? because nvidia never really released any good drivers for the fx series in vista...
The problem is most likely your CPU, not the video card. Check eBay for a cheap one, that should help your framerates.
Nah, im on xp 32bit.

And as for the cpu, it used to be my friends, and he ran it with a 9800pro and he had none of these problems. I understand the 9800pro is a much better card, but if its the cpu, wouldn't that have been a limitation for his system as well ? Plus he was running with 1/3 the ram i am.
Hm, that's really strange. I bought a 5700 non-ultra (Made by Albatron) 4 years ago and just got rid of it a year ago. I played both CS:S and DoD:S on it with no problems with eye candy at 1280x1024. What drivers are you running? Also, what are your other computer specs, most importantly your PSU.

Ah yeah what Leftside said too ^^^ check the bios on what's going on in there.
Yeah, everything in the bios checks out fine, temps are good, and gpuz is reading everything as it should be.

The only thing i find odd is the way it reads the core clock. The 5700u throttles and has 3 modes. 2d, which is core clock of 300mhz, low 3d which is like 450mhz and high 3d which is 570mhz.

It reads the clock on the main page of gpuz as 570mhz (high 3d) but in the sensors tab, it lists the clock as 300mhz (2d) and I've been thinking that it might not be throttling up correctly or at all.

The Rest of the Computer is as follows:

Athlon xp 1700+
ECS KM 400 Motherboard
1.5gb ddr 400 ram @ddr 333
80gb maxtor hard drive.
sony 16x dvd drive
Creative audigy se soundcard.
Thermaltake 430 watt psu w/ 18 amps on the 12v rail. (this powered a much stronger and more power hungry system so it should be fine)

And if im not responding anymore tonight, its because ive hit the sack, ill be back in the morning.
your cpu is your problem. I had a similar setup for a long time (athlon 2200 with a 5600 and a 5900xt) and my problem was cpu limitting. With a proper processor, I was able to play BF2 on low settings at 16x12, as well as far cry and unreal tournament 2k4.

To check the core speed, leave rivatuner running while you do something graphical, and check the graph.
I had the exact same setup as him, same cpu and vid and source was fine as long as it was in dx 8.1 mode.
Did you make sure to install the correct motherboard drivers? I remember some VIA chipsets defaulted to AGP 1x unless you installed an AGP driver.
Did you make sure to install the correct motherboard drivers? I remember some VIA chipsets defaulted to AGP 1x unless you installed an AGP driver.

Most AGP boards require a GART or AGP Miniport driver of some sort to get full AGP functionality... usually these come packed in with the various chipset drivers but not always. The OP should check this....
Nah, im on xp 32bit.

And as for the cpu, it used to be my friends, and he ran it with a 9800pro and he had none of these problems. I understand the 9800pro is a much better card, but if its the cpu, wouldn't that have been a limitation for his system as well ? Plus he was running with 1/3 the ram i am.

Well, the 5700 Ultra isn't TOO much more card than the 5600 Ultra. And when I bought a 5600 Ultra, it was a DOWNGRADE from the GeForce4 Ti4200 that I had previously. So, I took it back to Best Buy, gave them $40 more, and walked out with a Radeon 9800 Non-pro. It was the best decision i'd ever made. The 9800 was WAY more card that the 5600 was; not that it means too much, but the 5600 did ~5,000 in 3DMark01 and the 9800NP did ~14,000
Wasn't the FX line like the "black sheep" of the Geforce family? The Athlons weren't so hot either IIRC or rather they were too hot, lol! :).
your cpu is fine, especially @ almost 3ghz, thumbs down to the guy that says it's his processor.

The FX Nvidia cards + DX9 = LOW FRAMERATES.

Use DX8 instead and fps should double.
your cpu is fine, especially @ almost 3ghz, thumbs down to the guy that says it's his processor.

The FX Nvidia cards + DX9 = LOW FRAMERATES.

Use DX8 instead and fps should double.

I am confused here. I thought he said he had an athlon xp 1700+ how is that almost 3ghz?
Your experience with agp 8x versus 4x on that card will be negligible to none.
Yeah, sorry, This is NOT the rig in my sig lol.

The 1700+ is at a stock 1.5ghz.

I will check about the Motherboard drivers, but gpuz says its operating at a full 8x.
Wasn't the FX line like the "black sheep" of the Geforce family? The Athlons weren't so hot either IIRC or rather they were too hot, lol! :).

Yeah, they weren't the best cards, but 20 $ was pretty hard to beat and i needed an agp card that could do more than browse.

The athlon xp line kicked serious ass in my opinion. Before i got the 1700+, i had a 2800+ that came with the motherboard. Thing was a powerhouse. but i was an idiot and sold it because i thought id never used it again >.<
Ook, i think im gonna go ahead and rma. Right as i get into windows, it runs smooth for like a minute, then it gradually freezes and then the screen goes black and gives no signal.
hmmm yeah with an athlon ... no a lowly Sempron 2400/2500? stock clock was 1.6GHz, but it ran perfectly fine up to 2.150 GHz... anything over that, and banzai-beeps, no matter the voltage. It never ran too hot either, I don't know if it was a mobo limit, I thought I remembered reading documentation stating that chips max running capability was in fact 2150 MHz, so maybe that was it.

Anyways, that chip with a 5700 non-ultra ran BF2 at medium settings no problem, never tried CS on it tho