G card problems


Mar 18, 2004
Ok yesterday the fan on my 'Hercules 3D Prophet 9000pro 128MB' stopped moving , so i have swapped in my old GF2 32mb . Thing is i recently got given a new HP Pavillion system , i have to swap the motherboard for one that will give me an AGP slot . Previously i was thinking about just putting the 3D prophet into the new comp and putting the GF2 into my old system , now that plan is scuppered it seems . Could anyone suggest a good graphics card thats not gonna burn a hole in my pocket and give me decent performance in the new games coming out .
Cards ive looked at :
Radeon 9800 pro 128Mb http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=5915
Gainward 5700 ultra 256Mb http://www.microdirect.co.uk/ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=5323
Gforce 5900XT http://www.savastore.com/products/p...=Savastore&product_id=10276018&pid=45&tid=174

Dont really think i can afford the 256mb 9800pro for £221 which is the cheapest i found http://www.overclock.co.uk/customer/product.php?productid=17063&cat=499

What with having to buy new motherboard , possibly new psu and some more ram , id like to get as much for my money as possible . £150 maybe pushing "200 if the card is THAT better performance wise . Any advice welcome (its been a while since i looked at upgrading / building comps my old system is like 3 years old)
Muchos Gracias
I would ignore the 5700. Get either the 9800 or the 5900xt. They will suite you quite well for a long time.
I agree, the 9800 pro is the best out of the bunch of cards you listed.
9800Pro has some pretty good deals out now...Plus, most of them are being sold built on the 9800XT PCB, which has a 360core (which is good :) ) I hear you can easily overclock them to the 9800XT specs without much risk.
If you go with the 9800Pro, and are gonna try to flash it, make sure you have the 256MB card, vs. the 128. Also, with the 5900, alot of people are successful in bios flashing it to the 5950 speeds. Have had both compaines in my box, both have their strong / weak points. Good Luck.