g3 iMac from 99 or so, troubles


Limp Gawd
Feb 15, 2004
Hey everyone. I got one of them all in one deal iMac's the other day for free and I wanted to set it up for my little sister to puttz around on.
One thing, it won't boot all the way :rolleyes:
I know nothing about mac's. It loads the OS just fine, but then freezes and says, "Sorry, a system error occurred. Finder. Error type 10.
It has a little bomb on it, and then it says restart.
Its using 8.6 OS. Can I download Mac OS someplace and give it a fresh install?

I would love some help.
I think Mac OS up to 7 or 8 or something such is free to download, but if you want something newer than that, you're SOL, I'm afraid.
what are the specs on your imac?

it should be good enough to run osx, which is highly recommended.
yeah, I know, but OSX is definitely worth buying...
if not that, find a copy of OS9 on ebay. that'll probably work great, depending on the imac config. I wouldn't want to try to run OSX on less than a G3/333 with a minimum of 256mb ram.
Second vote for OS9. Prolly what it came with anyways.

Got a model number on that bad boy? We could help you out more with that info.